The Performers of the Week: LL COOL J and Vanessa Lachey

THE PERFORMERS | LL COOL J and Vanessa Lachey


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THE EPISODE | “Run and Gun” (Feb. 12, 2024)

THE PERFORMANCES | It’s intrinsically fun when TV characters cross over. But it’s extra special when the mix-and-matched characters end up meaning something to each other, and establish a certain bond.

When Jane Tennant (played by Lachey) learned in the season premiere that the final, administrative interview that’d clear her to return to work was being conducted by visiting Los Angeles NCIS agent Sam Hanna (LL COOL J aka James Todd Smith), it was a fun surprise. Then as they got to talking, Lachey and Smith played so well off each other, you felt a history and familiarity that had previously only been hinted at.

Smith, for one, got to tap into a rich bit of NCIS: LA lore — the tragic death of Sam’s wife Michelle — as Sam used his “unique life experience” to relate to the trauma Jane endured at the close of Season 2, forcing her off duty. “What happened with Michelle changed me,” he recalled. “I was focused on vengeance.”

Lachey in turn communicated to us that even tough-as-nails Jane knows that she still has to “do the work” (as an NCIS shrink suggested in an earlier scene). “I’m fine. I’m fine,” she interrupted Sam, before acknowledging: “I’m fine enough to go back to work. I need to go back to work.”

Beyond that walk-and-talk, Lachey and Smith also shined as a twosome in the scene set at the open-all-night gun range, where Sam observed that Jane may be cleared for work, “but not life” — and then to some comic effect, he shared his TDM secret.

The actors also had great individual moments. Smith got to play some comedy when Sam visited Ernie’s lair to offer an assist. Lachey meanwhile was light and charming as Jane dealt with the fill-in physician reviewing her (extensive!) injury history, and then warmly maternal when she shared with the psychiatrist her concerns about son Alex joining the naval academy.

Scroll down to see who scored Honorable Mention shout-outs this week…



Who knew Life & Beth’s Matt had layers?! Kevin Kane, that’s who. And thank goodness, because that depth of understanding lent itself to a beautifully executed scene in Episode 5 of the Hulu comedy’s second season. Earlier in the show’s sophomore run, Kane’s Matt learned he had a teenage daughter he’d never known existed. When the time came to meet her, the normally messy Matt was even messier — and it was fine comedic work on Kane’s part that let us know that Matt’s ridiculousness (this time) was because he was nervous about making things right with his kid. Kane somehow made Matt’s highly embarrassing breakdown, complete with loud sobs in a Dave & Buster’s, a touching example of how much more there is to the character than we’d previously witnessed. That sort of scene is a tough needle to thread, and Kane did it with ease.



How appropriate that Wednesday’s episode of FEUD: Capote Vs. the Swans was dedicated to the late actor, who made his final role, that of CBS founder Bill Paley, such a memorable one. He plays the womanizing exec with a smarminess that’s so casual that we marveled at the genuine emotion on display in “It’s Impossible.” When terminally ill wife Babe forgave Bill’s indiscretions and even suggested his current mistress as her eventual replacement, Williams let his face roll through a fascinating series of reactions. First, there was, of course, panic; he let us see Bill’s wheels spinning to come up with an alibi or excuse for his latest dalliance. Next came disbelief upon the philanderer’s realization that Babe wasn’t setting a trap or being vindictive. In the end, Williams left us with joy, Bill’s unexpected lightness at being absolved by the better half that he truly, if not faithfully, loved.

Which performance(s) knocked your socks off this week? Tell us in the comments!

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