Perth Sky Sports presenter Jo gives back after cancer diagnosis

-Credit: (Image: Simon Way)
-Credit: (Image: Simon Way)

Perth Sky Sports presenter Jo Wilson has opened up about her shock cancer diagnosis which “turned her world upside down” as she urges people make sure they attend regular cervical screenings.

The former Perth High School pupil (39) was enjoying what should have been one of the happiest times of her life as a new mum after her daughter Mabel was born in 2020.

But that was soon replaced by a series of hospital appointments and treatments following her cervical cancer diagnosis.

Jo was diagnosed with the disease in June 2022, when her daughter Mabel was just 19 months old.

This May, she teamed-up with friends to raise more than £5000 for Cancer Research UK at a Race for Life and was the official guest starter at the Regent’s Park event.

Today, Jo wants to raise awareness of cervical screening – which can help prevent cancer from developing in the first place.


She said: “Cancer completely turns your life upside down.

“It felt like I’d been hit by a truck, but I also felt very numb.

“My first thought was, ‘oh my goodness, am I going to die? I can’t leave my little girl without a mum.’

“I’d never even spent a night away from Mabel and suddenly I had to go in to hospital without her.

“But, from day one, I couldn’t fault the treatment I received.

“The oncologist, the radiotherapy staff, all the medical team made the best experience out of a traumatic time in my life.

“Now I’m back at the gym, living a normal life, and things are looking up. But I know that without research I might not be here.

“Now feels like a good time to give something back.”

Jo’s treatment included five sessions of chemotherapy and 25 external radiotherapy sessions.

She was supported every step of the way by her mum and dad, who live in Perth, and her family, including cousins who she’s close to.

Jo recalled vividly her shock on learning she had cervical cancer.

She first experienced symptoms after her daughter was born in September 2020.


Jo said: “I had a traumatic birth experience and Mabel was

born during the height of the pandemic.

“I had never been a parent before so I didn’t know what to expect. When my periods came back a few months later they were really heavy and close together.

“I hoped it might just be something to do with my body recovering after birth but in the back of my mind I thought that something was not quite right.

“Eventually I booked an appointment with a doctor as I thought actually I need to investigate this.

“They immediately said things didn’t look right and she thought it could be cancer.

“Within a few days after a colposcopy it was confirmed as cervical cancer.”

Every year around 330 people are diagnosed with cervical cancer in Scotland.

Scientists funded by Cancer Research UK showed that nearly all cervical cancers are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).

Jo, who now lives in Oxfordshire, is grateful for medical breakthroughs as they will help protect her daughter’s generation.

She said: “It is reassuring to know that my daughter Mabel will get the HPV vaccine.

“I’m hopeful she will grow up part of a generation that will never really have to worry about cervical cancer.”

Jo will continue to have scans for five years but is fit and

This September, she is set to celebrate her 40th birthday with a party in London as well as a trip to Greece with her best friends.