Pervert who likes dressing up in women's clothes incited young girl to have sex with him

Matthew James Bennie, 39, from the Redruth area, appeared before Truro Crown Court on Friday May 10, 2024 having been found guilty during a trial in March 2024 of two counts of inciting a girl under the age of 13 to engage in sexual activities with him
Matthew James Bennie, 39, from the Redruth area, appeared before Truro Crown Court on Friday May 10, 2024 having been found guilty during a trial in March 2024 of two counts of inciting a girl under the age of 13 to engage in sexual activities with him -Credit:Devon and Cornwall Police

A pervert who likes to dress up in women's clothes and "push the boundaries in the bedroom" pushed them "too far" when he incited a young girl to perform sexual acts with him. Matthew James Bennie, 39, from North Country near Redruth area, appeared before Truro Crown Court today (Friday, May 10) having been found guilty during a trial in March of two counts of inciting a young girl to engage in sexual activity with him.

The court heard how Bennie had become quite adventurous in his sex life with his partners and enjoyed dressing up in women's clothes. On the date of the offences, Bennie asked the girl if she would like to have oral sex with him. He also asked her to hold a sex toy.

The court was told that while no actual sexual act happened between Bennie and the girl, the incident had a profound effect on his victim and it was so severe it could only be dealt with through a custodial sentence.

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In a victim impact statement read out in court, the mother of Bennie's victim said her daughter had loved to draw but since the incident her drawings had taken on a dark side and she was always angry. The mother said her daughter had lost a lot of weight and had become poorly too as a result of the abuse and mental and emotional trauma she had suffered while it had dramatically diminished the girl's ability to trust people, especially men.

Rupert Taylor, defending, told the court that Bennie was a supportive family man and a well regarded hard working man and said no actual sexual act had taken place with the girl. Sentencing Bennie to four years in prison, recorder Timothy Kenefick said: "You developed an interest in internet pornography and pushed the boundaries in the bedroom but you pushed those boundaries too far without realising what you were doing."

Recorder Kenefick said a sexual harm prevention order will also be in place for 10 years. Bennie will also have to be on the Sex Offenders Register and is banned from ever working with children.