Pest control expert shares quick and easy way to get rid of moths in your home

A moth known as the Mother Shipton, Euclidia
The moth menace becomes noticeably high in April when people start sporting their spring clothes or throwing away old ones -Credit:Patrick Clement

A 'quick and easy' natural cleaning method can help you banish the pestering moths from your home, just in time for Spring. This season, typically marked by home organisation and deep-cleaning, also sees a surge of pests like moths taking refuge in wardrobes and cupboards.

The moth menace becomes noticeably high in April when people start sporting their spring clothes or throwing away old ones. These pesky creatures seek dark nooks and crannies to breed during the colder seasons.

Pest control expert at NOPE!, Dr Jonathan Kirby, has assured that while moths might be difficult to eliminate, they're not indestructible once you've found the right natural remedy for them, reports the Express.

He explained: "Common adult house moths traditionally emerge from their cocoons in the spring and early summer. But it's not the adult moths you need to be concerned about it's the moth larvae that chomp at clothes, carpets, crafting wool and furs.

"That's why you need to not only check for the presence of moths but also for discarded moth casings. If you spot an errant white rice grain in your cupboard, look closer. It could be a spent moth cocoon."

As to naturally warding off these pests, Mr. Kirby recommends familiar kitchen herbs. Dried lavender and rosemary around the home not only repel moths but also keep your clothing scented.

Dr Jonathan remarked: "Preventing infestation is more straightforward than eliminating it, and a quick and easy natural solution that can help ward off moths is a simple application of lavender oil and rosemary.

"The terpene compounds in lavender act as a natural insecticide, with the same properties present in rosemary. Applying this to points of entry like windows as well as pantries can help keep moths from entering your home but will not eliminate a present infestation."

Moths are naturally drawn to light and certain scents but detest herbs such as lavender, which contain natural oils that repel not only moths but also mosquitoes and ticks.

However, using dried herbs is merely a preventative step and won't exterminate moths if you're already dealing with an infestation.

What to do if you have a moth infestation

Discovering moths inside a wardrobe can be quite distressing. They can be removed, but it will take some effort.

For effective moth removal, Dr Jonathan advises: "Clear the area around the infestation. Empty wardrobes and drawers. Thoroughly vacuum carpets and soft furnishings that cannot be removed from the area.

"Separate and shake soft furnishings outside the home and vacuum everything thoroughly. This is to ensure that excesses of live larvae or eggs are removed from the home. Make sure all clothes are washed or dry-cleaned thoroughly."

Following the major clean-up, remember to vacuum your wardrobes, drawers and carpets before emptying the contents of the vacuum cleaner into an outdoor bin.

Although this should effectively get rid of the moths, Dr Jonathan recommends using the NOPE! CP Clothes Moth Killer Spray around areas where clothes are stored as an additional measure to permanently deter these fabric-consuming bugs.