Is your cat non-binary? The madness of inclusivity drive at pet modelling agency

James Esses cat Leo
James Esses was asked if his cat Leo was gender neutral

An agency that supplies animals to the media has asked owners whether their pets are gender neutral or non-binary in a drive to be more “inclusive”.

Urban Paws, which describes itself as the leading animal talent agency in the UK, included four gender options on the application form owners are required to complete to register their pets: male, female, gender neutral/non-binary and prefer not to say.

The agency, which has operated for 40 years, supplies animals to film producers, television studios, PR agencies, theatre productions and in-house marketing teams.

The gender categories were revealed after James Esses, a writer and commentator, tried to register his cat, Leo, with Urban Paws.

He said: “Everyone has been telling me how handsome my new kitten, Leo, is and so I thought I might register him to do some cat modelling. When going through the form, I discovered, to my utter bemusement, that along with his colour, breed and age, I was being asked for his ‘gender’, which included asking whether he identifies as ‘gender neutral/non-binary’.

“The fact we have reached a stage in which pet owners are being asked how their pets self-identify, tells us that we as a society have lost our minds. If I didn’t laugh, I would cry.”

‘They are just trying to be inclusive’

An Urban Paws employee claimed that the question had been included on the application form because “they’re just trying to be inclusive”.

But shortly after learning that the category had been mocked on social media, it was removed from the online application form, though the “prefer not to say” category was retained.

Mr Esses is the co-ordinator of the Declaration for Biological Reality, which voices concerns about the impact of gender identity ideology on society.

The declaration, which has been signed by more than 23,000 people, states: “Over recent years, there has been a demonstrable attack on biological reality in the United Kingdom. This has skewed public policy and discourse in favour of an ideology that has no scientific basis and which poses safeguarding risks to some of the most vulnerable groups.”

Urban Paws said the gender-neutral category had been removed as it was included on the form by mistake.

The agency said: “That category is only for humans. It wouldn’t apply to animals. It was an error made when we moved over to a new system for registration and the form has now been updated.”

Among its recent clients was last year’s John Lewis Christmas advert that featured a pomeranian dog called Jane, and a McVitie’s biscuits advert featuring a cat called CJ.

Urban Paws is inviting pet owners to submit their animals for inclusion on their books.

It said: “Animals are increasingly used for marketing and advertising purposes. Every animal you see on TV, in magazines and in lifestyle shots is a professional pet model or actor.

“There isn’t one specific type of pet that’s particularly in demand over any others and your animal doesn’t need to be a certain breed to be an animal star. Mixed breeds are in high demand for pet modelling, as are pedigrees. Indeed, many different types of pets are popular for different kinds of work and that’s why we accept most well-trained pets to offer our clients.”

But it warns that not all pets are suitable for film and TV work.

It tells potential clients: “Your pet can become a model with Urban Paws UK if they have basic and obedience training. Your pet will need to have a calm and obedient temperament and be comfortable around unfamiliar people and new environments.”

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