Peter Andre came second in Michael Jackson dancing contest that 'Leaving Neverland' accuser won

Peter Andre in the background in Leaving Neverland (Credit: HBO/C4)
Peter Andre in the background in Leaving Neverland (Credit: HBO/C4)

Peter Andre came second in the Michael Jackson dancing contest that was eventually won by Wade Robson, who went on to meet the singer, and claims he was subjected to years of sexual abuse, according to reports.

Andre, who relocated from the UK to Australia with his family aged six, can be seen in a frame from the new documentary film Leaving Neverland, which features interviews with Robson.

The contest took place in Brisbane, in 1987, prior to Jackson arriving in Australia to tour with the Bad album.

Robson, despite being too young to enter, won the contest, and Andre can be seen in the background, wearing a bow-tie and hat.

Winning the contest meant that Robson would meet Jackson and then dance on stage with him the following night.

(Credit: HBO/C4)
(Credit: HBO/C4)

The performance began a friendship with the singer which Robson claims to have later lead to his sexual abuse.

The Mysterious Girl singer confirmed to The Sun that it is indeed him in the footage.

This week, Andre used a column in new! magazine to defend the singer, who is also accused of sexual abuse by another man in the documentary, James Safechuck.

“First and foremost what I will say is we have to rely on the justice system and we mustn’t forget that he was acquitted of not just one, but all child molestation charges during his trial in 2005,” Andre wrote.

“You can’t just stop listening to an artist’s music due to accusations alone. And let’s not forget some of his songs weren’t even written by him.”

Robson and Safechuck met Jackson while they were children, and claim that Jackson abused them over several years.

The Jackson estate has called the film ‘a public lynching’, and has argued that both Safechuck and Robson had previously testified in court in defence of the late singer in a previous abuse case.