'It was petrifying' - Terror as 'tornado' rips through village

A 'tornado' struck in St Giles Road, Knutton
A 'tornado' struck in St Giles Road, Knutton -Credit:Stoke Sentinel

Villagers were "trying to get back to some normality" after a terrifying 'tornado' ripped through their street, sending trampolines and roof tiles flying. A caravan ended up on its side as the wild weather hit, while windows were smashed and fence panels damaged.

The "petrifying" 'gale-force winds left a trail of destruction in Knutton on Monday morning (April 15). St Giles Road was cordoned off by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service as crews made homes safe.

David Hemming was at work when his doorbell camera alerted him to the devastating scenes. His caravan was knocked onto its side on his driveway, smashing into his other camper van.

"It was just one big gust of wind," he said. "I was at work, I was just leaving and I looked at the camera on the house before I left, and my caravan was on its side and had smashed into my van. I haven't got a clue what happens now.

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"The fire brigade said they might be able to help me, but they've got more important things to be worrying about at the minute. I'm hoping they will be able to come and right it for me, then I'll have to empty it out and get it scrapped.

He continued: "We use the caravan when we go away for a week and if we go for the odd day or a weekend we use this campervan, and now both of them are ruined. There is glass everywhere, everything is covered in it. There are two sheds gone at the back. It has destroyed all the fence panels. It was just 20 seconds and then that was it, it had gone.

"It must have been a tornado from all the damage it has done. It's just gone straight through the street."

Neighbour Michael Wearing ended up with Mr Hemming's shed in his back garden. He said he'd just returned from walking his dog when it hit. "It was definitely a tornado," he said. "Without a shadow of a doubt You heard it winding up, it sounded like a Hoover starting up.

"I was drying the dog and he normally sits on a towel but he shot in through the back door with his tail between his legs. Literally 10 seconds later, I shut the door and stuff just started flying." Mr Wearing's front window was smashed by flying debris and his van windscreen was also damaged, leaving him unable to drive it.

He also has a missing bin after it went "flying off somewhere", adding: "Someone has had a trampoline through their roof, there were tiles flying everywhere. It has ripped off some wooden sleepers in my garden. My neighbour had half a fence panel jammed behind his soil pipe.

"We've not long been here so we've been trying to get the garden done for summer. We have a new shed but it's tilting now. Some of the streets either side of us have had nothing. It was gale-force winds. It maybe wasn't as intense as what they get in America, but it was definitely a tornado. You can imagine the damage done to the ones that last 10 minutes. It just stopped dead. It was really powerful. We're just trying to get back to some normality, it's ridiculous."

A terrified Deborah Wainwright thought someone was trying to get into her home when her front door started banging. She continued: "Then all the tiles started flying around and hitting everything. My carer's car has probably been written off because of the damage as roof tiles have been hitting it. He's had to claim off the insurance.

"It terrified me, nothing like this has ever happened before - we have had storms before but nothing like this. it just started raining as normal and then it just came, it was petrifying. I can't even let my dogs out in the back garden because the fence panels have come down and the concrete posts are all bent. There are tiles stuck in the lawn in the back garden and there is glass everywhere."

The Met Office was unable to verify if the strong gusts in Staffordshire were a tornado, spokesperson Stephen Dixon said: "Tornadoes do happen in the UK and they're generally short-lived in nature, but around 30 a year are reported on average. Today there have been some reports of some particularly impactful winds. The fronts that were moving southwards this morning had some potential for some short-lived tornadoes within them, but we would need to assess the impact."