Pharmacist gives mosquito bite warning after Europe alert and explains how to avoid and treat them

Be alert to mosquitos this summer
-Credit: (Image: Pexels)

In light of the recent health warning regarding the rise of Asian tiger mosquitoes across Europe and their ability to spread diseases such as dengue fever and Zika virus, Niamh McMillan, Superdrug pharmacy superintendent, has given advice on how to help avoid being a ‘mosquito magnet’ this summer. She also explains how to effectively treat mosquito bites in order to avoid serious health implications.

Niamh said: “While it may seem impossible to avoid mosquitoes during the summer months, there are some preventative measures you can take which can help you minimise the risk of getting bitten. Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk so try and limit outdoor activity during these times. Stay away from standing water.

"Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water so try to avoid these areas. Wear protective clothing which is light-coloured and loose fitting, that covers as much skin as possible. For children under two months, use a mosquito net or light blanket to cover the pushchair.”

Niamh warned against succumbing to the old wives’ tales regarding preventing mosquito bites such as eating lots of garlic and asparagus and taking vitamin B supplements. She said: “The most effective way to prevent mosquito bites is by using an insect repellent which contains the chemical ingredient DEET.

"It works by confusing and interfering with the receptors on a mosquito’s antennae, which then deters them from landing on the skin and biting. When applying insect repellent onto the face, spray onto your hands and then rub onto your face to avoid contact with the lips and eyes, ensuring to wash hands thoroughly afterwards.”

How to treat mosquito bites

Mosquito bites can be incredibly itchy. As the mosquito injects saliva into your skin, while biting, the saliva triggers an immune reaction which results in a small raised bump and itch.

Niamh said: “As hard as it can be, try not to scratch your mosquito bite, as this will only make the itch worse and can also increase the risk of infection. Scratching increases the inflammation and results in your body releasing more histamine, which causes the itch. Try applying a cold compress or ice pack to help reduce the swelling and numb the itchiness. Oral antihistamines can also help reduce itching and inflammation.

“Superdrug’s high street pharmacists can advise on medications that can help ease the symptoms of a mosquito bite, including antihistamines, steroid creams and painkillers. Superdrug’s Pharmacy First service can also supply medicines to help support those suffering from an infected mosquito bite. Seek immediate medical help if you develop symptoms such as a high temperature, chills, headaches and feeling sick after a mosquito bite abroad.”