Photos: record numbers enjoy sunshine and rainbows at Exmouth Pride

Exmouth Pride 2024 <i>(Image: Nick Richart)</i>
Exmouth Pride 2024 (Image: Nick Richart)

The organisers of Exmouth Pride say this year's event attracted record numbers of people and enthusiastic community involvement.

At least 1,500 people came along to the celebration of LGBT+ and diversity at Manor Gardens on Saturday, June 22, with glorious weather boosting the turnout.

The day was co-hosted by Radio Exe drivetime presenter Ashley Jeary and cabaret artiste Arina Fox. There was entertainment from The Deaf Academy, the Street Heat samba band and live music, along with a dog show and an Indian dance workshop.

David Marston from Exmouth Pride said he wanted to thank 'the huge number of groups from the community as well as individual volunteers who pitched up and helped willingly on the day.

"Also, the many businesses who helped fund the event, provide volunteers and gave us discounted services - as well as judging and providing prizes for the increasingly popular dog show. All these people helped make the day the success it was."

(Image: Helen Clarke)

One of the star attractions of the event was the giant rainbow arch at the festival gate, created by community groups including Exmouth Men’s Shed carpentry workshop and the knitting Yarn Bombers. In past years the arch has been made from balloons, but this year the team wanted to be as plastic-free as possible, and came up with a sustainable alternative.

David said: "Groups including Amnesty International and Exeter based Intercom Trust were able to talk from the stage about the issues facing LGBT+ people both here at home and abroad.

"Hosts Arina Fox and Ashley Jeary also promoted diversity and inclusion thoughtout the day - while always ensuring that visitors had a good time."

He expressed gratitude to all the community groups and other organisations who were involved with the day's success, including Exmouth Community Facebook Admin team. The Deaf Academy, Centre Stage, Exmouth Town Council and the Mayor, Cllr Joe Whibley, and East Devon District Council.