New photos from Teen Wolf: The Movie show the return of Allison... and the Nogitsune

It's been a few years since viewers have visited Beacon Hills, but it will surprise no one to learn that it's just as dangerous as ever.

In Teen Wolf: The Movie, a follow-up to the beloved MTV series that ran from 2011 to 2017, fans will meet a grown-up Scott McCall (Tyler Posey), who's returning home to do what he does best — fight against evil. As Posey previously told EW, "Beacon Hills royally messed him up and everybody else that was living there — except for Peter Hale, he thrives in Beacon Hills. But Scott's wanting to make a change. He lives in Los Angeles now... he wanted to get out, try a new life, try something else on for size, maybe step away from the leadership role a little bit."

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

Curtis Bonds Baker/Paramount + Tyler Posey in 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Posey continued, "As great of a leader as Scott was innately, instinctually, it's confusing growing up in that world. It takes a toll. Discovering who you are as a human, as an adult, while also trying to save the world, you kind of need to sacrifice one for the other. He wanted to figure himself out, discover himself a little bit. And he's more relaxed when we first pick up. It's definitely a different version of him — but then he might have to resort to old ways when Beacon Hills summons him back."

The film's trailer later revealed that the evil Scott and company will find themselves fighting is familiar: one of the show's most popular villains, the Nogitsune, has returned. And it's brought Allison (Crystal Reed) with it. As Reed previously told EW, she'll be playing a very "different" version of her character, who originally died battling the Nogitsune in the show's third season. "We don't even know if she's alive," Reed said about the secrecy surrounding her return. "We're not supposed to tell you if she's even alive or not. That's what we got. She's back but is she alive?"

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

Matt Miller/Paramount + Crystal Reed in 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Although Reed's return is admittedly the most shocking, she isn't the only original cast member reprising a role. Teen Wolf: The Movie also features returning stars Holland Roden, Shelley Hennig, Colton Haynes, Khylin Rhambo, Dylan Sprayberry, Orny Adams, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne, Seth Gilliam, Ryan Kelley, Melissa Ponzio, Ian Bohen, and Tyler Hoechlin. And Derek's a dad now!

Speaking of fatherhood, Hoechlin previously told EW, "It has its ups and downs. I really loved where Derek started on the show and where his story ended. For me, it was a very, very well-told, full story, so I thought it was a great thing to come back as a father and for his new challenge to not be about himself and figuring out who he was but trying to guide his son through that same process."

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

Paramount + Colton Haynes and Holland Roden in 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

One familiar face that's missing, of course, is Dylan O'Brien's Stiles. But considering that his love, Lydia (Roden), will be back, fans can expect an update. "The movie does answer the question of what happened to 'Stydia,' so you're going to have to watch," creator Jeff Davis told EW. "And Stiles, while he isn't in the movie, is ever present in the movie. These characters all leave an influence, so there's no way we could have done it without mentioning him or at least referencing [him], but all the other characters are there too. You'll see some familiar faces."

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

Steve Dietl/Paramount + Shelley Hennig and Ryan Kelley in 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Below, check out some exclusive images from the film, which will debut on Paramount+ on Jan. 26.

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

James Dimmock/Paramount + Dylan Sprayberry for 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

James Dimmock/Paramount + Colton Haynes for 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

James Dimmock/Paramount + Holland Roden for 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

James Dimmock/Paramount + Ian Bohen for 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Teen Wolf The Movie
Teen Wolf The Movie

James Dimmock/Paramount + Tyler Posey for 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

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