PICTURES: Bournemouth School and Bournemouth School for Girls year 11 prom

Bournemouth School and BSG Year 11 Prom at Vitality Stadium, Bournemouth.
Bournemouth School and BSG Year 11 Prom at Vitality Stadium, Bournemouth.

The red carpet was rolled out for year 11 students on Wednesday night, July 3.

Bournemouth School and Bournemouth School for Girls celebrated the end of their GCSEs with a party at the Vitality Stadium.

Floor length gowns and smart suits were on display as students arrived in style.

A host of impressive vehicles rolled up to the venue including classic cars, a VW campervan and sports cars.

You can see all the pictures captured above by Richard Crease.

We’ll be featuring prom pictures inside the Daily Echo later this month.

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