In Pictures: Britons swelter in record-breaking temperatures

Record-breaking temperatures are expected in various parts of the UK on Tuesday as the heatwave intensifies.

People have been urged to take precautions in the blistering heat as the transport network and NHS come under considerable pressure.

Summer weather July 19th 2022
The centre of London was quiet as people sought to find shade (Stefan Rousseau/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
A man cooled off in the fountain in Trafalgar Square (Dominic Lipinski/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
The Prince Charles Cinema in London found a novel way to attract customers (Dominic Lipinski/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
Further north, a man went for a swim in a lake in Sandall Park, Doncaster, as people were urged to take care in the water (Danny Lawson/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
Punting on the River Cam in Cambridge, was another way to cool down (Jacob King/PA)

People working outdoors faced a very challenging day.

Summer weather July 19th 2022
A member of F Company Scots Guards endured the heat during the Changing of the Guard ceremony on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace (Victoria Jones/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
It was also hot work for construction workers in central London (Dominic Lipinski/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
By contrast, Marisa Santos was able to cool off in the sea in Bournemouth (Steve Parsons/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
There were lots of parasols up to keep out the sun (Steve Parsons/PA)

Those forced to travel faced stifling journeys on the London Underground.

Summer weather July 19th 2022
Passengers packed on a Central Line train suffered an uncomfortable journey (Aaron Chown/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
People were urged to travel at cooler times of the day but it was not always possible (Aaron Chown/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
A sign advised people to carry water at Bank Tube station in London (Aaron Chown/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
Firefighters urged people not to light fires in the countryside, as drone footage showed a devastating blaze in Hertfordshire (Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service/PA)

Many people stayed indoors to avoid the sun but some humans – and animals – braved the heat.

Summer weather July 19th 2022
People diving off the pier at Loch Lomond, in the village of Luss in Argyll (Andrew Milligan/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
A man jumps from the pier in Bournemouth (Steve Parsons/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
Firefighters tackle a blaze in the village of Wennington, east London (Yui Mok/PA)
Summer weather July 19th 2022
A swimmer in water in the Canary Wharf docklands in east London (Victoria Jones/PA)