In Pictures: Morris men lead the way in May Day celebrations

A number of celebrations have been taking place across the country to mark the arrival of May Day.

Festivals dating back hundreds of years traditionally take place at what is seen as the beginning of summer.

Members of the Hook Eagle Morris Men perform
Members of the Hook Eagle Morris Men perform outside the Shack Cafe near Hook in Hampshire (Andrew Matthews/PA)
The performance took part in the May Day dawn
The performance took place in the May Day dawn (Andrew Matthews/PA)
Morris dancers perform
The Hook Eagle Morris Men (Andrew Matthews/PA)
Members of the Leicester Morris Men perform at Bradgate Park
Members of the Leicester Morris Men perform at Bradgate Park (Jacob King/PA)
Morris dancers perform
A crowd gathered to watch (Jacob King/PA)
Members of the Leicester Morris Men take refreshments
Members of the Leicester Morris Men take refreshments (Jacob King/PA)
A candle flame is used to light the Beltane bonfire
A candle flame is used to light the Beltane bonfire at Chalice Well, Glastonbury (Ben Birchall/PA)
People watch the Beltane ceremony at Chalice Well
People watch the Beltane ceremony at Chalice Well, Glastonbury (Ben Birchall/PA)
People jump the Beltane bonfire at Chalice Well
People jump the Beltane bonfire at Chalice Well (Ben Birchall/PA)
Morris men dance by the maypole at the Chalice Well
Morris men dance by the maypole at the Chalice Well (Ben Birchall/PA)