Piers Morgan has decided to leave Good Morning Britain, ITV says in wake of Meghan and Harry comments

Piers Morgan has left the show (REUTERS)
Piers Morgan has left the show (REUTERS)

Piers Morgan has decided to leave Good Morning Britain, ITV has said.

The presenter stormed off the set of the news programme on Tuesday following a heated discussion with his colleague, Alex Beresford, about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s TV interview with Oprah Winfrey.

It comes after Ofcom launched an investigation into Monday’s episode ofthe show after receiving more than 40,000 complaints about comments made by host Piers Morgan about the Meghan and Harry interview.

Shortly before the announcement, Mr Morgan posted a GIF of a ticking clock on Twitter.

.In a short statement, ITV said it had accepted Piers Morgan’s decision to leave Good Morning Britain.

The statement said: “Following discussions with ITV, Piers Morgan has decided now is the time to leave Good Morning Britain.

“ITV has accepted this decision and has nothing further to add.”

Read More

Piers Morgan leaves Good Morning Britain following Meghan remarks

Ofcom investigate Piers Morgan’s Meghan and Harry interview comments

Ofcom investigation over Piers Morgan’s Meghan and Harry comments