Pilot Introduces Little Boys as Honorary Crew to Passengers During Departure Delay

Two little boys on a plane returning home from a holiday in Orlando, Florida, ended their vacation on a high note on March 28, when the pilot showed them around the cockpit and even let one of them make an announcement.

The cute moment was recorded by the boys’ father, Christopher Davis, and shows Spirit Airlines Pilot Ed informing the passengers that he had just found two new crew members, prompting them to turn to Dominic and Logan for any query regarding the flight.

“They just came and visited the cockpit … they know everything about this flight now,” the pilot can be heard saying, before passing the mic to Dominic, who thanked the passengers for flying Spirit.

Davis, who thanked Pilot Ed, told Storyful that the staff member had offered to show the boys around after the departure was delayed.

“This topped the boys’ end of vacation and they were extremely excited to tell everyone all about it,” he said. Credit: Christopher Davis via Storyful