Pirate fanatics get married on Sir Francis Drake's ship in Brixham and sing sea shanties to celebrate

Zoe and Paul Bradshaw at their pirate themed wedding -Credit:Courtesy Al Macphee / SWNS
Zoe and Paul Bradshaw at their pirate themed wedding -Credit:Courtesy Al Macphee / SWNS

A pirate-obsessed couple have tied the knot onboard an iconic ship in Devon. The ceremony was complete with pirate costumes, rum and sea shanties.

Zoe Bradshaw, 40, and her now-husband Paul Bradshaw, 51, first attended the Brixham Pirate Festival in May 2023. They loved the event so much that they decided they were going to base their wedding around it.

The festival returned to Brixham this weekend, attracting crowds from across the country. It has been an annual event for 22 years and has grown into one of the biggest pirate gatherings in the world.

The couple, from Doncaster, spent ten months planning their big day, which took place on Saturday (May 4), which was the first day of the festival. Paul snapped up 60 tickets, including one for the celebrant. They were married on board the Golden Hind, a full-sized replica of Sir Francis Drake's vessel and were surrounded by friends and family, including their four-year-old son Jax.

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Zoe said: "When we came to Brixham last year for the festival, we fell in love with it. We've been to so many pirate events since then, it's a great community to be in.

"Everyone was so excited and it was exactly what we hoped for. The sun was shining, everyone was laughing dressed up, and music was playing. It was brilliant."

Paul, a plasterer, said: "We didn't want a traditional wedding so we said we'd just have a big pirate party. I was dressed as Jack Sparrow and my son was a mini Jack Sparrow - everyone wanted his picture. It was a bit crazy but everything worked out so well."

Zoe and Paul Bradshaw at their pirate themed wedding -Credit:Courtesy Al Macphee / SWNS
Zoe and Paul Bradshaw at their pirate themed wedding -Credit:Courtesy Al Macphee / SWNS

With Paul and Jax dressed as Jack Sparrow, Zoe also dressed to impress in a £1,000 custom-made pirate dress, with a black and red corset, matching roses and a black and red wig and pirate hat. In-keeping with their non-traditional theme, Zoe had a white diamond ring and Paul had one with black diamonds.

They won't be officially married until they go to a registry office, which they plan to do next year in a smaller, but still pirate-themed ceremony in Doncaster. But they did still say their vows in Birxham and had a celebrant with experience officiating pirate-themed weddings.

Zoe and Paul Bradshaw at their pirate themed wedding -Credit:Courtesy Al Macphee / SWNS
Zoe and Paul Bradshaw at their pirate themed wedding -Credit:Courtesy Al Macphee / SWNS

Louise Goode, the celebrant, said: "I did a pirate ceremony wedding in Crete a couple of years ago, so I put a post up online bout it and Paul asked if I'd do their wedding.

"It's so lovely to bring everyone together like this and I think more people are getting their eyes opened to the possibility of pirate weddings.

"It was an absolute blast - a bit like herding cats at times - but it was just beautiful. I even led a few shanties."

Zoe said: "It was perfect. You've never seen anything like it, it was just amazing."