Pizza Hut Turns Its Pizza Boxes Into Projectors

Pizza Hut/Ogilvy Hong Kong Thinking that movie nights … Continued The post Pizza Hut has a new box that turns into a movie projector for your smartphone appeared first on Business Insider.
Pizza Hut/Ogilvy Hong Kong Thinking that movie nights … Continued The post Pizza Hut has a new box that turns into a movie projector for your smartphone appeared first on Business Insider.

Where does a pizza maker go when the ideas from 2010’s “What Else Can We Stuff Into Crusts?” brainstorm have run out?

That was the dilemma faced by Pizza Hut Hong Kong when some bright spark came up with the idea of turning the humble takeaway pizza box into a film projector.

It’s all down to the magic of the tiny pizza table that sits in the middle of the box, valiantly keeping the lid of the box from hitting the cheesey goodness of your pizza toppings.

In Pizza Hut’s special Blockbuster Boxes, this table comes with a lens built in. Flip the table sideways, fit the lens into the specially punched-out hole, stick your phone in the box, hit play and you’re laughing!

At least, you’re laughing if fuzzy low-quality projections, pizza slowly going cold on a plate nearby and sound that’s muffled by cardboard are what tickles you.

For those without Netflix on their phones, Pizza Hut has also stuck a QR code on the box giving customers a free movie download - we’re not sure exactly what’s on offer beyond “an action movie”, “a scary movie”, “a romantic movie” and “a sci-fi movie” but since you’re downloading them for free off the side of a pizza box, we can safely assume it won’t just be your pizza that goes heavy on the cheese.

Still, the first iPhone wasn’t exactly a winner: technology is all about innovation and evolution. So we’re holding out for Pizza Hut Blockbuster Box 2.0, at which point we feel confident Pizza Hut will have nailed it. Either that or come up with something new to stuff into the crusts to distract us.