Pizza Punks launch Prawnstar Martini in collaboration with Nottingham's Sauce Shop

The Prawnstar Martini at Pizza Punks in Nottingham
The Prawnstar Martini at Pizza Punks in Nottingham -Credit:Joseph Raynor/ Nottingham Post

Mojito, Old Fashioned and Daiquiri are classic cocktails that you'll find at bars across Nottingham. But one of the most popular is the Pornstar Martini.

Made with passion fruit and vodka and served with a shot of prosecco on the side, it's a firm favourite on nights out on the town. But imagine a twist on the popular drink in pizza form - the Prawnstar Martini. Would it have a fruity spin with passion fruit seeds as toppings? Would prosecco be involved?

Pizza Punks is known for its anarchic style and menu of unlimited toppings, but would this latest creation be a step too far? The answer is no. Thank heavens - passion fruit on a pizza would be a real turn-off. But then again I am quite partial to a Hawaiian - Italian friends, please don't shoot me.

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The restaurant's new special, like all the punky pizzas, starts off with a San Franciscan sourdough base. It's decorated with a ring of succulent king prawns, positioned so there's one on each of the eight slices. Alternating with the shellfish are semi-crunchy slivers of pickled celery. What I initially took to be mozzarella from a distance turns out to be blobs of cream cheese and ranch dressing, while the mozzarella has melted in.

Chilli flakes and chives add a finishing touch but the star attraction is Pizza Punks vodka that has been infused with hot buffalo sauce made by none other than Nottingham's very own Sauce Shop, which has a factory in Centurion Way, off Queen's Drive.

General manager Janis Eskins with a Prawnstar Martini at Pizza Punks
General manager Janis Eskins with a Prawnstar Martini at Pizza Punks -Credit:Joseph Raynor/ Nottingham Post

When vodka and buffalo sauce come together it's a spicy marriage made in heaven. As someone who has supped vodka with coke or lime, my new mantra is "don't drink it, eat it". The sauce adds a vibrant warmth and flavour to the pizza - a complete contrast to the cream cheese and ranch, which is also made by Sauce Shop.

Costing £13.95, the Prawnstar Martini is available at all eight Pizza Punk sites across the country - not just the Nottingham restaurant in Fletcher Gate - for a limited period of around a month.

It's not the first time the two brands have teamed up. Last year Sauce Shop's Ghost Pepper Ketchup featured on a Pizza Punks special called The Hell Yeah! celebrating the release of a new film, the Pope's Exorcist.

Jack Martin, Sauce Shop's senior marketing executive, said: "When planning their latest special, the Pizza Punks team were keen to get us on board once more. I think we're probably two brands that fit together quite nicely, both embracing doing things differently. They also are very much in-house in terms of they make everything fresh on-site which as you know is like us with our factory in Nottingham - our team make every single bottle of sauce we sell."