The new pizza shack nestled behind a popular café bar in Heaton Moor

The secret beer garden hidden behind the frontage of The Nook in Heaton Moor, Stockport
The secret beer garden hidden behind the frontage of The Nook in Heaton Moor, Stockport -Credit:LDRS

Walking through the centre of Heaton Moor, you'll see plenty of cafes, restaurants and shops. But many would be oblivious of a hidden gem nestled behind a café and bar.

The Nook, known locally in the leafy suburb for its wide variety of beers, cocktails and gins had added another string to its bow in the shape of a pizza shack. The café bar has teamed up with North Manchester based pizzeria Dough So Good to provide even more pizazz to their secret beer garden.

From the front of the Heaton Moor Road establishment you would be forgiven for thinking it is a small independent café bar, but when you walk through the door you soon realise there is much more than meets the eye.

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Walking through the doorway next to the main bar, stairs lead down to a huge space with seating covered by canopies, a cocktail bar and the newly added pizza shack run by Dough So Good. Having created a buzz at their pizzeria within Radcliffe Market and extending their reach to Feast at the Mills in Wigan, the family run business is now jumping into the crowded south Manchester market.

Pizza, tots and a beer in The Nooks beer garden in Heaton Moor
Pizza, tots and a beer in The Nooks beer garden in Heaton Moor -Credit:LDRS

Having seen success with their pop up shop in Levenshulme Market previously, owner Rhyse Cathcart wanted to add another permanent fixture into a new area. Their unique dough all made at their main base in Bury, established in 2022, is the key behind their tasty artisan Neapolitan Pizza.

Rhyse added: “Lots of people are coming in saying they didn’t know about this secret garden of Heaton Moor. It is still very much a hidden gem.

Rhyse Cathcart, Adele Kearney and Peter Moody inside the pizza shack at The Nook
Rhyse Cathcart, Adele Kearney and Peter Moody inside the pizza shack at The Nook -Credit:LDRS

“The plan is that we work in partnership with the Nook and we will support them with catering and make this our new home. The owner has other projects in Stockport and we hope to establish ourselves here and our brand alongside them.

“It is exciting and it is a really cool place that people can love.”

The plan is that they will soon be available for collection takeaways via the local delivery apps.

Peter Moody and Adele Kearney have a long history in the catering industry, previously running Sonic Burgers. Now they have taken on the Dough So Good mantel for Rhyse as his team in the south of the region.

The Nook, Heaton Moor Road, Stockport
The Nook, Heaton Moor Road, Stockport -Credit:Copyright Unknown

The Nook is well known for offering a wide variety of music nights and is attempting to be a jack of all trades with this new offering. With the beautiful space at the back, there is no reason this can’t become the new summer hotspot in the Heatons.

Dan Jollie, general manager at the Nook, said: “The back garden space was for car parking previously, but last summer we created a garden space. Being in Manchester we don’t always get a lot of sunshine so we put the teepees up.

Dan Jollie, General Manager at The Nook
Dan Jollie, General Manager at The Nook -Credit:LDRS

“This adds another aspect for us. The pizzas are incredible and there is a great outdoor space with the warms from the outdoor fire pit.

“It should be good for parties and hired functions as well.”

With the covered beer garden and blankets on offer just in case the fire doesn’t provide enough warmth on the colder nights - this space should be popular all year round.

Inside The Nook, Heaton Moor Road, Stockport
Inside The Nook, Heaton Moor Road, Stockport -Credit:LDRS