A Place in the Sun star 'disappointed' after buyers 'give up' on tricky property search

A Place in the Sun's latest house-hunters were left with no choice but to abandon their quest for the ideal holiday abode after a challenging search.

In the Channel 4 programme, which aired on Wednesday, presenter Jasmine Harman travelled to the Canary Islands aiming to assist retired architect Nick and ex-journalist Tim in locating their idyllic retreat.

The duo, who have shared nine years together, cherish their seaside life on Cornwall's coast but were keen to find a sunny getaway to avoid Britain's cold winters.

Armed with a £250,000 budget, Jasmine was optimistic about finding them a dream home from among five potential properties.

The expert was well aware of the daunting challenge ahead, acknowledging: "Property on Gran Canaria does not come cheap and the much sought-after south of the island is around 25 percent more expensive than the north.", reports the Mirror.

She added: "A one-bedroom apartment with a sea view starts at around £250,000. Plus the market is booming at the moment so I hope my house hunters have deep pockets."

Tim explained their choice of Gran Canaria, saying: "It's the variety here from the lush forest in the north and the rocky outcrops up there to these sunbaked beaches down in the south."

Detailing their property wishlist, Tim mentioned: "The house would need to be on its own, with no neighbours and it would be in a beautiful spot where we could see a westerly setting sun in the evening."

Nick remarked: "The house - we want something that's very small and we are only looking for a one-bedroom, we don't want acres of land and we don't want a project."

Jasmine then showed the couple a secluded one-bedroom house in the mountains near Puerto de Mogan. Despite its size, it boasted two bathrooms, eight and a half acres of land, and even came with a pick-up truck.

However, Jasmine admitted the property lacked the desired sea view, saying: "I have a confession though and you may already have worked it out, it's not West-facing."

Tim responded: "Yes we worked that one out. I'm almost prepared to give up the West for the view of those mountains."

Despite appreciating the remote location, Nick and Tim were unimpressed by the building itself.

As the search progressed, Jasmine faced further challenges when the third property, located near Fataga, failed to impress the couple once more, who found the interior "too fake" due to its plastic features.

Expressing her disappointment, Jasmine said: "I'm so disappointed that you've come in and you literally hate it."

Addressing the camera, she added: "Honestly I'm so disappointed because outside I thought this place could be brilliant for them but the property itself just doesn't live up to their standards."

In conclusion, Tim admitted: "It has been a bit of a struggle." to which Jasmine quickly interjected: "You don't have to tell me that."

She queried: "So what is the plan, what are you going to do next? " The couple disclosed that they had no plans to make an offer on any of the properties viewed and would extend their stay for another week to continue their search.

Jasmine confessed: "That's got to be one of my trickiest house hunters ever but I feel good that Nick and Tim are on that path and I really hope that they find their perfect little gem here in Gran Canaria."

A Place in the Sun airs weekdays at 3pm on Channel 4.