Plan for new Ormskirk leisure centre draws mixed reaction amid green space and traffic fears

A planning application for a new Ormskirk leisure centre at Corporation Park has prompted both objections and support from the public and will be formally discussed by councillors next week.

West Lancashire Council wants to build a new leisure and wellbeing hub on land east of County Road, and demolish the existing Park Pool on Park Road. The borough's Planning Committee will look at the proposals on Thursday, May 23.

Some residents have raised concerns including the loss of green park space, the impact on an existing rugby pitch, car parking, traffic on County Road, costs and the proposed design. However, supporters say a new Ormskirk leisure centre will be popular and is much-needed, and will be an asset for the whole area. They also like the design and think a new centre will make good use of the location.

Some people say they currently go to sites elsewhere, such as Edge Hill University or Maghull, for leisure activities. Councillors on West Lancashire's Planning Committee are being recommended to grant approval but delegate it to a leading council officer, working with a top committee member.


The application has been called-in for closer scrutiny by three councillors. Labour's Gareth Dowling and Anne Fennell have highlighted road and access concerns. Separately, Our West Lancashire's Ian Rigby says scrutiny is important because of the council's own interest in the scheme and to enable a more-transparent, open discussion by councillors for greater public confidence in decision-making.

West Lancashire Council is the applicant behind the leisure centre plan. It also wants to develop a new leisure centre in Skelmersdale.

Proposals for the Ormskirk leisure centre include a main swimming pool and learner pool, viewing and changing areas, exercise and fitness suites, a cafe, soft play area and outdoor trim trail with equipment. Parking space for 95 cars along with accessible parking spaces, motorbike and cycle spaces are also planned. Access would be from a new junction built at County Road.

The existing Park Pool would be demolished. A report to councillors on the planning committee states the site is around 1.5 hectares of open space known as Churchfields. It is located within Coronation Park and bordered by Country Road (the A59) on the west and Hurlston Brook to the east. Homes are located around the area on Rosecroft Close and Kinloch Way and the Abbey Wood Lodge care home is to the south-west.

The site is currently open park space with maintained grass and a junior sized rugby pitch to the north, outside the site boundary. The existing Park Pool is west of Park Road.

Both sites are located next to the Ormskirk town centre conservation area and close to the listed Ormskirk Parish Church and sun dial. The listed Ormskirk Comrades War Memorial is south-east of the Park Pool.


Various objections have been sent to West Lancashire Council. In one example, resident Sue Golding, of County Road, states: "The simple solution is to demolish the existing outdated building and rebuild on the same site. County Road is too busy and dangerous. Increasing the traffic flow, and inconsiderate kerb-side parking , will only increase the potential for more incidents.

"Ormskirk does need a leisure facility, that is obvious. But not in an area where it causes more problems than it should. For these reasons, I object to the relocation of Park Pool,and urge the residents of Ormskirk to do the same."

Another objector, Rachael Forshaw, of Churchfields, states: "The park area should be for public use. Flooding occurs in that area and on the opposite field. This will exacerbate the situation There is already an area that could be utilised - that is the original baths site,"


But supporters of the plan have also sent comments.

They include Helen Heaton, of Douglas Drive, Ormskirk. She has written: "I am looking forward to the new development going ahead. I feel that a new sports centre will be incredibly beneficial to Ormskirk. As a member of Park Pool I enjoy having the use of all the facilities. I feel it is important to the local community to have access to somewhere to exercise and improve all areas of health.

"Sadly the reputation of Park Pool is less than desirable as its current state of repair is not good. A new facility will improve the local economy and boost the health and well-being of the community."

Another supporter is Alice Wilson, of Derby Hill Road, Ormskirk. She stated: "I think this is a fantastic plan. The current facilities don't well-reflect the other amenities and business available. This [new centre] will help encourage people to be fit and healthy, hopefully still at an affordable price.

"I think it will be a great asset to Ormskirk. so long as it is done as quickly as possible so that we don't lose the green space for too long."

West Lancashire Council's planning meeting is on Thursday, May 23, at 7pm.