Plans for children's care home in Northants estate approved despite objections

The care home will be located in Bamburg Close, a cul-de-sac in Corby.
The care home will be located in Bamburg Close, a cul-de-sac in Corby. -Credit:Google

A residential home in a Northamptonshire estate will be converted into a care home for children with learning disabilities, despite objections from neighbours.

A three-bed home on Bamburg Close, Corby, now has permission from North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) to accommodate two children between the ages of 10 and 18 diagnosed with a learning disability. The young people will be supported and cared for by support workers 24/7.

Six letters in objections to the plans were received by the council, raising parking problems, de-valuation of neighbouring properties, loss of privacy and problems at other permitted children’s homes as reasons to refuse the development. Concerns were also presented about anti-social behaviour and the area not being right for a children's home.


One person wrote: "I do not know how often or how long children will be living in the care home and the staff turnover could be high, the relationship between neighbours will not be there, the staff it is their job not their home.

READ MORE: Cost of children's placements across Northamptonshire 'staggering' says council leader

"I understand children's care homes are much needed and children should have the chance to live in a residential home with care if needed, however I believe this location is wrong."

An agent speaking on behalf of the applicant at an NNC planning meeting said: "There is a national shortage of local registered children's homes. It is our aim to provide children with a home within their local authority so that they can remain close to their family and friends.

"The children we look after will be supported and monitored by staff at all times, mitigating the risk of anti-social behaviour and disturbance in the community.


"They are valued members of society and should not be restricted on where they can live. The presence of staff, emergency services, social care personnel are not there to inconvenience the community, but to care for our vulnerable children- they are entitled to that care."

No changes are proposed to the outside of the building, with all alterations to the layout being internal. The children will be supported by a maximum of three residential support workers on a day shift and two staff at night.

The home will be subject to Ofsted inspections once running to monitor and ensure that it remains suitable to provide children's care provision.

North Northamptonshire Council approved the plans at a planning committee meeting on Wednesday, May 1.