Plans for Edinburgh block of flats in hotel car park refused and deemed 'flood risk'

apartment block
The block of flats was deemed a 'flood risk' as dozens of objections were also received. -Credit:Colliers / Edinburgh planning portal

Plans for a new block of Edinburgh flats to be built on the site of a hotel car park have been refused.

In October 2023 we reported how Colliers submitted an application for a single block of nine apartments in the car park of the Canon Court Aparthotel in Canonmills.

However, the proposals were refused earlier this month for a number of reasons, as well as dozens of objections being submitted to the council. The plot is currently used as a private car park for the Canon Court Aparthotel, which is temporarily closed, with approximately 43 car parking spaces and residential houses in the surrounding areas.

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The proposals were for a four-storey building consisting of mixed ground floor use, including office space, and nine apartments. A 'green buffer zone' would also have been included with planting and landscaped space to provide routes to the front doors for residents.

In the decision notice attached to the application after being reviewed by council planners, they judged that the development would have a negative impact on the character of the conservation area by virtue of its size, height, form and positioning.

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Other reasons for refusal include the development having a "detrimental impact" on neighbouring amenity and the application site not being suitable for housing, nor does the proposal comply with relevant policies in the development plan.

The notice of refusal continues: "The proposal is at risk of significant flooding. All flood risks relating to the site are not fully understood and addressed and safe egress/access cannot be provided for in the event of a significant flood event.

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"The proposal is contrary to NPF4 Policy 2 (Climate Mitigation and Adaptation). The area is at risk of significant flooding. The proposed development has not been designed and sited to adapt to current and future risks from climate change. The proposal does not represent the sustainable reuse of the brownfield site.

"The proposal would have a negative impact on the character of the area by virtue of its size, height, form and positioning on the site in relation to neighbouring properties. The proposed represents overdevelopment of the site and would cause unacceptable damage to local character and a loss of amenity for neighbours by virtue of its size, height, form and positioning on the site in relation to neighbouring properties."