Plans lodged for 230 homes next to the proposed site of 55 homes approved last year

Looking towards the proposed site from the A141
Looking towards the proposed site from the A141 -Credit:Google

A proposal for up to 230 homes to be built in March has been submitted. Fenland District Council validated the application for a development off Burrowmoor Road on May 7.

The 10.35-hectare site includes parcels of farmed land to the north and south of Burrowmoor Road. Housing developments lie to the east and the A141 runs along the western boundary. Plans for 55 homes just north of the site were approved in May 2023.

The design and access statement, written on behalf of the applicants, explains: “The proposals set out a new, sustainable, landscape-led development, which seeks to provide a people-centred community within March.

“The vision is to create a new neighbourhood that caters to the needs of modern families, providing a diverse range of housing options and access to different housing types within a sustainable and attractive environment.”

The main access to the site by car would be from Burrowmoor Road, which connects with the B1101 in March town centre to the northeast and the A141 to the west. This is a national speed limit road at the proposed site, which drops to 30mph towards the town centre.

There will also be a direct connection with the approved 50-home development to the north. The nearest bus stop is around 400 metres from the site.

So far, two people have lodged objections and one person has expressed their support. One commenter, who currently lives in Wisbech but says she lived in March for 20 years and will return soon, said: “The traffic around this area is at a standstill most of the time and cannot accommodate vehicles from another 230 homes (they will not car share as you suggest).”

Referring to potential traffic problems, the design and access statement explains: “230 residential dwellings are likely to result in up to 160 two-way trips during the morning and evening peak periods. This would equate to approximately two to three vehicles every minute.

“Proposals for the crossroad junction with the A141 to the west include changing the junction layout to prevent vehicles being able to turn right from Burrowmoor Road onto the northbound A141, in order to mitigate the development traffic impact. Traffic would only be giving way to southbound traffic as a result.

“Those who wish to travel north along the A141 would have the option to go through Gaul Road or utilise the proposed roundabout to the south of the site, to be delivered by the consented development site to the south.”

Both of the statements opposing the plans mention “lack” of amenities in the area. The second objector, who lives in Knight’s End Road in March – about a four-minute drive from Burrowmoor Road – said: “The council cannot continue trying to increase tax revenue by continually approving housing developments in and around March without seriously taking into account the extreme shortage of GPs, NHS dentists and school teachers in the town.”

There are two GP surgeries and two dentists in March – The Riverside Practice along Marylebone Rd; Mercheford House on Elwyn Rd; March Dental in Broad street; and Upwell Road Dental Centre.

The supporting comment was made by someone living a two-minute drive from Burrowmoor Road, on Cherrywood Green. They said: “This is a necessary development on an area designated as part of the local land allocation scheme and should be pushed through to get decent housing volumes in town.”

Most of the homes would have two storeys. The development would include 0.4 hectares of play space, a 0.45-hectare neighbourhood park, a small community garden and 2.68 hectares of remaining green space.

Fenland District Council expects to make a decision on the application by August 6, 2024.