Plans lodged to convert language school into 18 flats

Bournemouth Language School <i>(Image: HLF Planning Ltd)</i>
Bournemouth Language School (Image: HLF Planning Ltd)

A PROPOSAL has been lodged to convert a language school into flats.

Planning permission is being sought for the conversion of Bournemouth Language School (BLS) into 18 apartments.

Applicant Archos Investment Ltd said the school “does not have an existing value to the community”, and added “the area is already well served by alternative language schools”.

BLS, located at 26 Dean Park Road, comprises a large detached building which has been extended by way of a two-storey addition, with a number of outbuildings also on site.

Archos Investment's scheme includes the formation of second floor level at the extension, external landscaping and the addition of bin and cycle stores.

The developer said the existing buildings pose a "generous opportunity for improvement".

Access to the school is from Dean Park Road (Image: NQ)

The proposed flats vary in size and include both one bedroom, two bedroom and a three bedroom flat.

Access to the site for vehicles would be in Dean Park Road, while pedestrian and bicycle access would be from both Dean Park Road and Cavendish Road to the rear.

Archos Investment Ltd had received pre-application advice in October 2023, which saw the original plans scrapped for a new approach.

A design and access statement prepared by HLF Planning Ltd on behalf of the developer said: “The design was revisited following pre-application advice. This results in a vast improvement to the negative existing extension.

"The design has sought to make the extension much more in keeping with the host building.”

Plans for the site (Image: HLF Planning Ltd)

Addressing the proposed takeover of BSL’s site, the statement said: “The existing building is a privately owned language school.

“It does not have an existing value to the community and is therefore not considered a community asset.

“Nonetheless, the local area is already well served by alternative language schools that similarly are privately run.”

“The development is considered to significantly improve the overall quality of the site and its contribution to the conservation area”, it adds.

BCP Council is yet to make a decision on the application.

The Daily Echo has contacted BLS to ask about the future of the school.