Plans for three homes rejected amid concerns over impact on 'medieval' site

Pathway leading to the site near Loverose Lane on the outskirts of Hartlepool,
Pathway leading to the site near Loverose Lane on the outskirts of Hartlepool, -Credit:Google

Plans for three homes in Wynyard have been rejected amid concerns over the impact the development would have on a "medieval" archaeology site.

An outline application had been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council planning department for three residential plots on an existing arable field surrounded by hedgerows near Loverose Lane on the outskirts of Hartlepool, north of the A689. However concerns were raised over the proposal by Tees Archaeology who said the land is located in an archaeological exclusion zone (AEZ) and is "at least of regional importance"

Council planners said the land is part of an area home to a "medieval settlement" and while archaeological works are still ongoing, it is their understanding it is "quite an important site". They therefore recommended the proposals for refusal, adding any permanent development at the site would "not allow for its enjoyment to future generations", which was approved by councillors.

A report added: "This proposal would result in development within an archaeological exclusion zone and would be detrimental to archaeology. There is the potential for the development to impact a potential heritage asset with potential archaeological interest."

Officers added the proposed site was also within a designated "green wedge" and would result in a net loss of biodiversity. Representatives from Lichfields, on behalf of applicant Wynyard Park Ltd, had argued they had an "acceptable mitigation strategy" to "significantly outweigh any harm to a potential heritage asset".

This included supporting a "prestigious housing development" in the area and installing information boards to "further enhance and celebrate local values and history" of the site. Keith Malcolm, chair of Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool), had objected to the proposals over the need to protect green spaces and preserve "land associated with archaeological interest".