Plans to turn Bridgend office building into six-bedroom house given go-ahead

The Property On Park Street Bridgend which has been denied permission to be turned in to a new HMO due to there being too many in close proximity    Credit: Google Maps
The property is based on Park Street Bridgend -Credit:Google Maps

Plans to change a former office building into a house of multiple occupation in Bridgend have been given the go-ahead despite initially being rejected by the local council.

The property based on Park Street, Bridgend could now be converted by developers at D2 PropCo Ltd, into a six-bedroom housing unit with communal shared facilities, and shared outdoor courtyard.

These plans were initially denied by Bridgend Council at a planning meeting held in April 2024, which saw a number of representatives including residents and councillors speaking against them.

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The application was denied after lengthy discussions, where councillors highlighted a policy that was in place to limit the number of HMO's within 50 metres to ten percent of the total number of properties. They said as there were 29 properties in the vicinity a third HMO would take it slightly above that limit.

Others also argued that the development of a third HMO so close to the others could cause an increase in anti-social behaviour, as well as issues with a lack of parking on the street. However, the application was brought back to members of the planning committee this month as any applications that are recommended for approval by officers but get turned down have to be reconsidered as part of the council's code.

Officers said when it came to over an over intensification of HMO's in the area, a review had been carried out on the street, where one of the sites was discovered to have been approved for short term lets, which put it more in line with second homes, holiday rentals or Airbnb's, meaning it would not be included as part of the 10% criteria for HMO's.

Additionally, while they acknowledged the issues of anti-social behaviour which had been reported by members of the public, they said it could not be assumed that another HMO would "automatically give rise to the same effects or exacerbate existing impacts."

Councillor Jonathan Pratt of Newton asked officers if members were to refuse the proposals whether or not an appeal would be a "slam dunk" for appellants if it was to come forward. Officers told the committee they could be in a difficult position, as there was not enough evidence on the basis of car parking which would leave the authority at risk of having to pay costs.

Councillor Norah Clarke of Nottage said she still wanted to reject the proposals despite officers recommendations, as she felt it was out of accord with the local development plan. This led members to carry out a recorded vote with members narrowly deciding to approve the plans with a vote of 7 members to 6. For the latest Bridgend news sign up to our newsletter here.