Plans unveiled for whisky distillery at Inveraray Castle

Argyll Estates and Stock Spirits Group, the European owner of the Clan Campbell whisky brand, have lodged a Planning Application Notification with Argyll and Bute Council for the construction of a £25m malt whisky distillery at Inveraray Castle.

It will be named Inveraray Distillery and, once completed, should will create more than 20 local jobs.

Clan Campbell is a blended Scotch whisky and the plan is to produce a single malt whisky in Inveraray Distillery which could also be used in that blend.

Clan Campbell is one of the leading Scotch whisky brands in France, selling 1.2 million nine litre cases in Europe. It has been recently launched in Germany and the Czech Republic, with further plans to offer it to consumers in other countries.

The brand was acquired by Stock Spirits Group from Pernod Ricard in 2023.

The proposal is to build a 950 square metre distillery, capable of producing up to two million litres of alcohol per annum, within the grounds of Inveraray Castle. As part of the application process, local people will be consulted on the plans.

The Inveraray Distillery will also include a visitor centre, constructed in co-operation with local companies and suppliers, using the latest building methods and environmentally-friendly solutions, ensuring carbon neutrality from day one.

Subject to planning permission being granted, construction could commence early in 2025, with the first spirt being produced in 2027.

Torquhil Campbell, the 13th Duke of Argyll and Chief of Clan Campbell, said: “Inveraray Castle and Clan Campbell are inextricably linked, with the castle having been the Argyll family seat since the 15th century.

“To see Scotch whisky being distilled in the grounds will be a significant positive development – for the local community, for the castle and for Clan Campbell.”

Jean-Christophe Coutures, chief executive of Stock Spirits Group, said: “Clan Campbell Scotch whisky is an iconic whisky brand that has established strong links with the Duke of Argyll.

“This investment is an important step for the group towards having its own single malt whisky production, which will strengthen the Clan Campbell brand and Stock Spirits' presence in this growing category.”

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