Plymouth City Council Efford and Lipson local elections candidates

Efford now.
Efford now. -Credit:plymouth herald

Voters in Plymouth go to the polls in the May local elections for Plymouth City Council. Here are the candidates for the Efford and Lipson ward - and why they say you should vote for them.



Born in Lancashire, married a local girl from the Barbican, lived in Plymouth for many years. Attended Plymouth University, 2.1 in Marine Technology and Maritime History. Further education PGCE in Teaching, where I stayed for many years as Head of Faculty. I have lived in Efford for over twenty years


One reason that I’m standing as a candidate for the Green Party in Efford and Lipson is because I want to see more and quicker action on issues that have been left for too long.

Food waste collection is an important issue that has concerned me for many years. All the nutrients contained in potato peelings, apple cores and the left-overs from your plate are still being sent directly to the incinerator and burnt, turned to ash, instead of being recycled into a rich compost and returned to the land. This is an example of what is meant by the Circular Economy, and I’m sorry to say we’re way behind on this. In Totnes they have been collecting food waste since 2002. What are we waiting for?


Ian Fleming is a city businessman, in a civil partnership and a Plymouth resident for the last 60 years.

Ian says, "I’m passionate about the city’s heritage, and have fought a number of campaigns in the city". I want to put time back into the local community and make a difference to those who live there.

My mission is to support the city’s SME businesses, maritime FREEPORT Status, and to represent all residents across the Efford and Lipson Ward


Paul McNamara is the Labour and Co-operative candidate in Efford and Lipson ward and has been a councillor in the ward since being elected in a by-election in June 2023. Since Paul was elected he has worked hard with his fellow councillors in Efford and Lipson to listen to residents and raise their concerns and issues.

“It has been a privilege to serve the residents of Efford and Lipson,” said Paul. “I hope they will give me the opportunity to continue in this role when they vote in May.

“I’m a grafter, I listen to what matters to people here and I want to make a difference. I work in hospitality at an iconic Plymouth venue and I want to bring those skills to people here, always with a smile on my face.”


As a retired resident in Plymouth, I am dismayed at the poor standard of services we must endure. Cuts to our health and educational services are dragging the country, and us, down.

Cuts to the bus services, shelters & public benches (forcing greater reliance on cars) must make the City Council’s goal of being carbon neutral virtually impossible. The City Council’s mock consultation with residents about plans for the city centre surely did not tell people about the scope of their devastation to the trees or how long this would last.

With the two main political parties following the USA blueprint and moving further to the right and only being effectively challenged by Trade Unions, it is time we rethought our priorities. Do we want foodbanks and the homeless to be the statistics showing the greatest increases? It is time we support all of our workers and the vulnerable people in our community. Register your dissatisfaction, vote TUSC on May 2 nd .


I've lived my whole life in Plymouth and worked in and around the city for most of that too. Plymouth is a city that I'm proud to call my home, but after years of poor management by successive councils it's in need of a spruce up.

Thats why I'm asking you to let me represent you as your local councillor. To get back to basics, fix the potholes, tidy up the management approach, clean our streets, pavements, parks and open spaces and give us all a home to be proud of.

After years of working in finance I know how to squeeze best value out of every pound we spend, and as a proud Plymothian I have the passion to accomplish that optimistic vision for our neighbourhood and our city we all share.