Plymouth City Council Peverell local elections candidates

-Credit:Zhara Simpson
-Credit:Zhara Simpson

Voters in Plymouth go to the polls in the May local elections for Plymouth City Council. Here are the candidates for the Peverell ward - and why they say you should vote for them.



Jaime Bannerman is the Labour and Co-operative candidate for Peverell ward. “I was born in Plymouth and I love the city,” said Jaime.

“I am a mother and a social worker, I have seen firsthand the devastation that years of Tory cuts have had on the local community. Plymouth Labour's Cost of Living action plan will help support residents struggling with rising costs.

“Our NHS and dentistry has gone past being on our knees, we are now belly flat on the floor. Enough is enough, it's now time for change

“I know from meeting and talking to residents all over Peverell ward that safer streets are a big issue here, including potholes, blocked drains and inconsiderate, dangerous parking particularly on match days. It is amazing that so many people come to support our Green Army but this should not come at a cost to our local residents.

“If I am elected on May 2nd, I will work closely with Sarah and Jeremy, Peverell's Labour councillors, on these key issues. I will also continue to listen and to act, doing all I can to help, and I will keep in touch to ensure you know what is being done.


I have lived in Peverell for thirty years. I am standing because Plymouth deserves a better Green Deal than the current parties dare hope to provide. If elected for Peverell, I would focus on providing better public transport links to the city centre and other parts of the city.

I would fight to reinstall the drinking fountains in Central Park as a way to combat more plastic bottles of water. I remember the fountains from when I was a kid. Every park in Paris still has them.


Steve lives close to Central Park and is well situated to deal with issues that arise in Peverell. He is a long-standing member of the Liberal Democrats and believes that the core values of a fair, free, and open society should be brought into local policies.

He wants to see a more collective approach to the Council, where parties openly discuss problems and arrive at general agreements and end the cross-party fighting that holds up progress in Plymouth.

Road and pavement repairs, improved street lighting, proper ‘real-time’ timetable information at bus stops and better NHS appointments are some of the problems residents have mentioned to him that he will improve if elected on May 2 nd .


No candidate profile submitted


I know and am committed to Peverell ward, having lived and attended a school in the area where I am still a governor. I am passionate about Central Park and preserving and enhancing the green spaces in the area.

On the Council my interests are Health, Well-being and Adult Social Care, all of which are feeling pressures in this post Covid era.
I pledge to continue responding to enquires from residents and dealing with issues they raise, which are the day to day matters concerning people.


I’m Secretary of Socialist Party Plymouth and union rep at a local college. As such, I stand with all workers striking against the biggest cut in real wages since records began.

There isn’t enough support for SEN children, youth mental health services are collapsing and the council is slashing spending on social care and children’s services which have already been decimated since 2010. I’m standing for TUSC because we fight for education services to be brought back under local authority control with funding restored.

I oppose all increases in council tax, rent and service charges for working-class residents imposed to make up for Tory government funding cuts. I would support a campaign of trade unions and community groups demanding central government restore the local authority grants it’s stolen.

If elected I won’t take the full Councillors’ allowance, donating a majority of it to strike funds and local projects.