Plymouth City Council St Peter and the Waterfront local elections candidates

Smeaton's Tower during the heatwave -Credit:Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive
Smeaton's Tower during the heatwave -Credit:Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive

Voters in Plymouth go to the polls in the May local elections for Plymouth City Council. Here are the candidates for the SSt Peter and the Waterfront - and why they say you should vote for them.



I’m a proud Socialist Party member and I’m standing for TUSC this May to provide a much needed socialist alternative to the managed decline offered up by all of the establishment parties. Likewise, Reform UK cannot claim to be an alternative when they welcome the deputy chair of the Conservative Party into their ranks.

The Tories and Labour have, between them, butchered our public services for well over a decade. Bin collections have been reduced, libraries closed, adult social care and children’s services slashed to ribbons, our roads get worse every year and yet we’ve had our Council tax raised time and time again.

Last year’s tree felling fiasco has done a serious amount of damage not only to the city centre itself but to the reputation of the Council. We need councillors with integrity who will listen to communities and residents and I would be honoured to represent Plymouth in such a way.

If elected, I would see council housing built, the introduction of rent caps to stop the spiralling cost of living and I’d want to bring outsourced services like our buses and schooling brought back under local authority control. Vote TUSC this May and join the socialists!


Lewis Allison is the Labour and Co-operative candidate for St Peter and the Waterfront. Lewis not only lives in the ward but also works in community economic development in Stonehouse, which he is passionate about.

“I’m deeply invested in representing the community, fuelled by a commitment to tackle challenges like the cost-of-living crisis,” said Lewis. “With the unwavering support of Plymouth Labour, I am determined to bring effective solutions to the council.

“My focus remains on ensuring sound financial management, safeguarding core services, and providing support for the vulnerable. I have a heartfelt vision of a brighter, fairer, and greener future for the ward, standing as a dedicated voice and advocate for every resident's needs and aspirations.”


I am a 48 year old Plymouth born and bred local businessman who has lived in St Peter and the Waterfront Ward since I was six months old. I stood for Reform UK last year because I decided politics needed to change.

In many areas just the application of basic common sense would be a good start. The nation faces many challenges, but we can overcome them. To succeed, we need to do Brexit properly. We must grow our way out of the crisis, we cannot tax our way out of it. We must stand up for our core democratic values, our civil liberties and our right to free speech.

Let's celebrate our pride in being British, our amazing culture, our unbreakable communities, our incredible heritage. Let's stop all this woke nonsense that is holding us back. Let's have a proper immigration policy that works for our Country and protects our borders. Together, lets make great things happen.


Hugh Janes is Chair and Honorary President of the Plymouth Liberal Democrats. He joined the party in 2003 and has been an active member ever since.

He would like to see a more open approach to politics with members of all parties working together for the good of the city. This approach is working well in the South Hams where LibDems control the council.

Cooperation between councilors may have prevented much of the damage and waste that has taken place in the centre of Plymouth over recent years. Hugh is a fulltime playwright and screenwriter.


Kevin Kelway, BCAc, is an award-winning Plymouth Community Campaigner, city businessman, LGBTBE Ambassador, UK Export Advocate, and proud Plymothian whose family dates back in the city over 316 years.

Born on the Barbican and living on the Hoe, with over 30 years experience working in print and broadcasting, and recently secured Gold Recognition for his company Dorcas Media - in promoting the Armed Forces Covenant and supporting the UK’s Armed Forces, and veterans.

Kevin was awarded the Sheila McKechnie Foundation Community Award – for his 4-year campaign in saving Plymouth’s iconic Tinside Lido, Drake’s Reservoir campaign. He is committed to making Plymouth and St. Peters and the Waterfront Ward a great place to live and work.


As the candidate for St Peter and the Waterfront, I represent the growing movement in Plymouth that rejects the politics of division. Having lived and worked in Plymouth for over 20 years, I want to make it an even greater place to live. We need to be able to trust that our elected representatives will protect and grow this beautiful corner of the country.