The PM, his lover and 50 years of secrecy

Harold Wilson x Janet Hewlett-Davies
Harold Wilson x Janet Hewlett-Davies

Four years after retiring from the Civil Service, Janet Hewlett-Davies, a former senior mandarin at various government departments, appeared in an episode of Channel 4’s documentary series Dispatches. Its title, A Good and Faithful Servant, neatly sums up the collective memory of her time in Whitehall from 1966 until 1986.

But the revelation that she was having an affair with Harold Wilson, the former prime minister, during her two years as his deputy press officer in the mid-1970s adds an extra twist to that judgment. In an age where even banal conversations that take place in 10 Downing Street are shared publicly within hours, this is a secret that has been kept for almost half a century.

Hewlett-Davies took it with her to her grave last October. It is her former boss, Joe Haines, the then chief press officer, now 96, who has finally lifted the lid in order, he says, that the full picture of the final years of Wilson’s premiership be known for posterity.

Shelves of books and memoirs have been published since 1976 when Wilson unexpectedly resigned as prime minister (though we do already know, from a previous Haines’ memoir, that Hewlett-Davies was in on that secret from the autumn of the previous year). While speculation has long been rife about his alleged affair with his powerful private secretary Marcia Williams, later Baroness Falkender (she successfully sued the BBC for libel in 2006 for making the claim), no one seems to have suspected Hewlett-Davies, who was 22 years Wilson’s junior.

Wilson and Marcia Williams about to board a train
Wilson and Marcia Williams in 1964 - Daily Mail/Shutterstock

In their 1984 book, Sources Close to the Prime Minister, the only remark that veteran Whitehall watchers Michael Cockerell and Peter (now Lord) Hennessy make about her is that, “her soft manner belies years of sharp-end experience”.

Indeed, she did go on successfully to run communications at the Departments of Transport, Environment and Health after leaving Downing Street, as well as a stint trying to manage disgraced media tycoon Robert Maxwell’s press operations.

Her skill in managing the news agenda no doubt stood her in good stead in keeping her own private life out of the headlines. She had a special gift for summing up people, Haines has written, demonstrated by her subsequent description of Maxwell as “an attractive monster with a touch of genius”. About Wilson, however, she loyally kept schtum.

Richard Nixon, the former US president, almost stumbled on the truth in 1974 on a visit to Downing Street. Passing Hewlett-Davies on the stairs, and no doubt well-briefed by his own officials about the lurid rumours concerning Marcia Williams, Nixon is said to have exclaimed aloud, “Say, is that the one we’ve been reading about?”

He got closer than most of Wilson’s biographers. The late Ben Pimlott, in his 1992 life of the prime minister who won a record four general elections for Labour, did better than most, labelling her “a special favourite” of Wilson at a time when political pressures were mounting and the first signs were spotted in him of what was later diagnosed as dementia.

“When Harold was on his umpteenth brandy, he tended to reminisce and chat with Janet,” Pimlott quoted a source telling him. “She was very jolly with him. In terms of personal comfort and companionship, he leaned on her a lot.”

He added that she was good at “cheering [Wilson] up when he was weary and things looked black”, but reported that those around the prime minister worried that the time they spent together might cause scandal. “He was careless of his own reputation, to put it mildly, and also of hers,” Pimlott’s source had said.

Perhaps there is a hint buried in there somewhere? If so, the following year Wilson’s authorised biographer, Philip Ziegler, didn’t even see fit to include a mention of Hewlett-Davies. A 2015 memoir, An Outsider at Number 10, by the Special Branch officer turned writer John Warwicker, whose role in the mid-1970s was to keep Wilson safe, is more tantalising. In it, he included from his own collection a rare photograph of the prime minister and Hewlett-Davies walking side by side in the woods at Chequers, his official residence.

What we now know, thanks to Joe Haines’ revelations, is that he had found Wilson’s slippers under Hewlett-Davies’ bed in the grace-and-favour Buckinghamshire mansion.

The only other survivor of those final years of the Wilson premiership, Bernard (now Lord) Donoughue, who was in on the secret (and also claimed Wilson had a brief dalliance with Williams), has responded to Haines’ revelation by describing the affair as giving the prime minister some “sunshine at sunset; at the end of his time in Downing Street. She obviously made him finally happy.”

They had also been lovers in Downing Street under the noses of colleagues and Wilson’s wife, Mary, mother of his two sons. Haines had by chance spotted Hewlett-Davies sneaking upstairs late at night to the prime minister’s flat. When he challenged her the next day, she admitted what was going on. “It was certainly a love match on her side.”

Harold Wilson and wife Mary take to the dancefloor at the 1963 Labour Party Conference
Harold Wilson and wife Mary take to the dancefloor at the 1963 Labour Party Conference - ANL/Shutterstock

Born in May 1938 and grammar-school educated in Birmingham, Janet Hewlett married Barry Davies in 1964, combining their names into a double-barrelled surname. Her work as a journalist had, by that time, already taken her from the West Midlands to a role at the BBC in London.

Their marriage endured until her husband’s death in 2016. He may not even have known. To those who knew the couple, she was “a devoted wife”, the local Anglican church where her funeral took place records in its newsletter.

They had no children and she spent her final years living alone in Brighton’s Kemp Town, active in the community, and even dabbling in amateur dramatics as an “excellent but underused” Miss Marple, according to the Brighton Argus, in a production of A Death is Announced at the Little Theatre in 2010.

Hewlett-Davies took the secret with her to her grave last October

After he left office, Wilson remained close to the one-time Labour MP Robert Maxwell, who provided him with a flat for his use in Oxford. Hewlett-Davies, Haines has written, would visit her there.

As a leaving gift, he had given her “an expensive gold pen”, which on one occasion she is recorded as handing to Maxwell so he could sign a major deal to publish the English-language China Daily in Europe on behalf of the Chinese government.

That pen aside, Joe Haines has said, Hewlett-Davies “never sought any kind of benefit whatsoever” from her affair with Wilson. Thanks to her discretion, it cast no cloud on his obituaries in 1995 or Mary Wilson’s in 2018.

Haines has justified his decision to make the affair public through the need to ensure the historical record of Wilson’s governments is full and accurate. On the evidence of her life, Janet Hewlett-Davies might well have disagreed with that judgment.