New PM Starmer urged to focus on climate and economy in Scotland after landslide victory

Sir Keir Starmer was jubilant after Labour won the General Election
-Credit: (Image: Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)

Business leaders in Scotland have urged new Prime Minister Keir Starmer to focus on the nation's economy and on the push towards net zero.

The Scottish Chambers of Commerce said the new Labour government should focus on economic growth.

Chief executive Liz Cameron said: “We look forward to working with the new Labour UK government and focusing on action to support the growth of the Scottish and UK economy.

“Now the election is over, the real work of government must begin and that means supporting job creation and enabling Scotland to remain ahead of the game in global competitiveness.

“We need an ambitious programme of pro-enterprise and pro-growth policies, but without urgent action, the opportunity for positive change clearly mandated by the electorate will be wasted.”

Catherine McWilliam, Nations Director at IoD Scotland, said: “Our State of the Nation Director’s Survey earlier this year indicated that members were looking for change, and we extend a warm welcome to a new Secretary of State. Labour has shown a willingness to work in partnership with business leaders and we hope to continue these positive relationships with the new government in place.

"We look forward to learning more about Great British Energy and the potential opportunities this may bring to Scotland through job creation as we drive towards a greener future and a fresh approach to economic prosperity."

The trade body representing the offshore industry, Offshore Energies UK, said members “remain deeply concerned over Labour proposals to impose a further windfall tax and end new licences”.

Chief executive David Whitehouse said: “Homegrown offshore energy is a jewel in the UK’s industrial crown that government must treasure.

“The Labour Party has put economic growth at the heart of its plans, and our offshore energy sector can deliver just that.

“The people in our sector and investors remain deeply concerned over Labour proposals to impose a further windfall tax and end new licences. These policies, if poorly managed and without industry input, will threaten jobs and undermine the decarbonisation of the UK economy.”

Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) general secretary Roz Foyer said unions would work with Sir Keir to "rebuild" the country.

She said: “The change that the now new prime minister offered during the campaign must start now. This is day one of his Labour government. We need decisive action to turn our back on the austerity-driven, public service-slashing, trade union-attacking ways of the Tory past.

“It’s time to rebuild. We will work with the incoming prime minister to deliver a progressive Scotland that delivers for working people. He must now deliver for us.”

Friends of the Earth Scotland said tackling the climate crisis “must be at the heart of everything Keir Starmer’s government does from now on”.

Imogen Dow, its group’s head of campaigns said: “The UK Government must deliver the urgent action that transitions our lives, our homes and our economy away from fossil fuels.

“People who work in the oil and gas industry and communities that are reliant on it must play a key role in planning an energy transition that is truly fair, responds to people’s needs and protects our climate.

“The Labour government needs to develop a coherent strategy and invest in green industries, as well as providing a jobs guarantee that supports workers to move away from oil and gas.”

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