Police called after protesters set up camp in two Bristol banks

Police were called to two branches of the TSB bank in Bristol on Saturday (May 18) after disgruntled renters walked in en masse and set up camp inside.

The protest by members of community union ACORN was co-ordinated with more than 30 other similar actions at TSB branches across the country, and saw the demonstrators pitch tents inside the branches, and hand out leaflets to customers and passers-by as part of their campaign. Staff at least one of the branches, the TSB in East Street in Bedminster, closed for the day and protesters continued their demonstration outside.

ACORN say they held the protest to call on TSB to rewrite the terms and conditions of its buy-to-let mortgage offer to landlords. The union said TSB are the only major bank that insist landlords who have a buy-to-let mortgage can only rent out the property for a maximum of 12 months, which ACORN says embeds uncertainty for tenants.

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“We are calling on TSB to change their terms and conditions in buy-to-let mortgages sold by the bank that stop landlords from offering more than a 12 month contract to their tenants, so there is no limit on the lengths of tenancy contracts, allowing renters greater protection, security and stability,” an ACORN spokesperson, Alicia, said. “This policy is putting renters in a situation where they have to renegotiate their living arrangements and sign a new contract every single year, or have to put their lives on hold and spend lots of money to move home.

“Once a fixed term 12 month contract ends, tenants will either go onto a rolling contract - where their conditions can be changed by the landlord month by month - sign another fixed term contract but have to renegotiate terms like the rent, or they might be evicted,” she added.

ACORN protesters set up camp at the TSB branches in Broadmead
ACORN protesters set up camp at the TSB branches in Broadmead -Credit:Acorn Bristol

“This means they are more vulnerable to ‘no-fault’ section 21 evictions, a leading cause of homelessness in England, and unaffordable rent increases. The terms and conditions in TSB’s buy to let mortgage contract makes life harder than it needs to be for renters. It stops people from being able to plan for the future and costs more, landlords can renegotiate the terms of your contract every 12 months taking more and more money off you.

“Today organised tenants stood up for themselves and fought to improve conditions for all of us,” she added.

ACORN protesters set up camp at the TSB branches in Broadmead
ACORN protesters set up camp at the TSB branches in Broadmead -Credit:Acorn Bristol

ACORN Bristol member Gloria added: “I’ve lived in my rented house for three and half years and have no intention of leaving, my two kids go to a school round the corner. I’d love to be able to sign a longer contract to give me some more security, especially as the landlord keeps putting the rent up at the end of every contract.”

A spokesperson for TSB said: “We are looking at the issues raised by Acorn.”