Police issue Nottingham deaths update and say they 'do not currently' believe they are suspicious

The deaths of two women at a Nottingham house are not currently being treated as suspicious, police say. The bodies of two women were found at an address in Hartley Road, Radford, after officers received a call regarding their welfare at 11.04am on Tuesday, May 21.

It is believed the bodies of the women, thought to be mother and daughter, had lain undiscovered for some time. Detective Chief Inspector Ruby Burrow said: "This is a tragic case and we are currently working to understand exactly how and when these people died.

"Whilst our investigation remains at an early stage, we do not currently believe what happened to be suspicious. We have enlisted the help of a forensic pathologist and will be in a better position to determine what has happened once they conclude their report.

"Officers will remain at the address for at least the rest of today." Multiple police cars and vans have been at the scene since Tuesday morning, with a crime investigation unit and forensic officers also present.

A private ambulance from A. M. Buckingham, a funeral service company, was also present at the scene when the two bodies were removed in the evening. The front of the house remained cordoned off with red tape.