Police issue update on 'the Ralla' closure after Ellis Cox shot dead

Merseyside Police have issued an update regarding the closure of the Liverpool Loop Line.

The entrance to the Loop Line, known locally as "the Ralla", was closed at Grace Road in Walton. It came after Ellis Cox was found injured at the Liver Industrial Estate - which is around a 20 minute walk away - on Sunday, June 23.

Officers found the 19-year-old had been shot and he died a short time later in hospital. In an update today, a spokesperson for Merseyside Police said "a large segment" of the Loop Line, from Blackthorne Road to Grace Road remains closed at this time.

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There is no access to the Loop Line at Grace Road. Police said the next point of access is Bull Lane and Helsby Road and there is still access across the Loop Line from Crescent Road along the footpath next to Jacobs Factory leading to Long Lane.

A spokesperson for the force added: "We understand that this closure is having a big impact on those travelling by foot or bicycle. We appreciate everyone's patience whilst we continue our investigation."

A large police scene remains at the industrial estate today with a cordon in place and several police officers. A mobile police station is also there and blue tarpaulin can be seen near the Liverpool Loop Line entrance.

Merseyside Police confirmed crime scene investigators remain at the scene to carry out forensic examinations. Extensive CCTV enquiries are being carried out in the area and house-to-house inquiries are taking place.

High visibility patrols have been stepped up in the area to provide reassurance and officers will be available to speak to anyone who may have concerns.

Ellis Cox
Ellis Cox -Credit:Merseyside Police

Head of the investigation Mark Baker said: "This was an appalling and tragic incident in which a young man has lost his life, and our thoughts first and foremost are with his family, who are trying to come to terms with his loss.

“I would appeal to anyone who may have seen him to come forward as their information could be vital. Whilst this happened on an industrial estate, there are residential homes nearby and I would urge anyone who may have seen anyone acting suspiciously in the area, or who heard anything, to come forward so we can give his family answers and bring his killer or killers to justice.

“I would appeal to any motorists who may have captured footage on their dashcam to come forward even if it appears to be innocuous.

“It could prove vital to our efforts to deliver justice for this young man and his family. It is essential that people with information, no matter how small, to please contact us as it might be vital to the investigation.

“Gun violence has taken too many young lives here in Merseyside. While the last 12 months saw the lowest number of firearms discharges in more than two decades, our efforts to take weapons off the streets and put those thoughtless enough to use them in jail will never stop.

“Every day our officers are carrying out warrants, open land searches and stop and searches to remove guns and other weapons from our streets. We target all available resources in the right areas to remove weapons and those who use them and work daily alongside our partners and in communities affected by gun crime.

“Incidents such as this are a tragic reminder of why we must continue with that work – gun crime can tear families apart and ruin many more lives than the victim alone.

“If you have any information at all on this incident, please call 101, DM @MerPolCC or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 1121 of 23 June. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress."

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