Police Officer Goes Above and Beyond to Get Formula for Hungry Week-Old Baby

An Ohio police officer who received a “frantic call” from a postpartum mother saying she was unable to feed her week-old infant because her milk had dried up jumped into action to purchase some formula and bottles.

Miami Township Police released bodycam footage of Cpl Hunter Willoughby heading to a Meijer supermarket. Although the store was closed at the time, Willoughby was helped by staff and was able to buy what he needed.

Willoughby then delivered the formula to the appreciative mother and “refused to accept any payment,” police said. Credit: Miami Township Police via Storyful

Video transcript

Ok, I know that people aren't working so.

Oh yeah, I love my bright light.

You may not be able to help me.

There is a mom who has her she's had her milk dried up and she has no she can't find anywhere to buy formula.

Is there anywhere anybody in here can turn on a cash register?

I believe so.

Ok because I'll buy it for her and take it to her.

I'm just trying to you know is is there is there um infant formula so I took at that point I think ok, that's all but that's the difference.

Bridget Bridget here is gonna help you the rest.

Ok. Yeah, awesome.

Thanks for your service.

Thank you.

This is it I just need for.

Yeah she said she just doesn't have any formula and her hair breast milk is dried up soon.

Her baby is a week old.

Good thinking just um I yeah it's a week long.

Yeah I was just looking for anything that an infant that or this is zero months, eight bucks, this is zero monthly, whichever I don't care.

This is fine.



Yeah, I I would have not been Good to go.