Police stop BMW after concerns over child 'in incorrect seat' as disqualified driver reported

Concern for a child led to the silver BMW being seized in Whitby
Concern for a child led to the silver BMW being seized in Whitby -Credit:North Yorkshire Police

Police stopped a BMW in Whitby after concerns over a child "not being carried in the correct type of seat."

PC Snaith and SC Brown of North Yorkshire Police were out on patrol in the seaside town on Thursday when the duo stopped the silver BMW following the sighting. The pair conducted some enquires, which revealed the driver was also disqualified.

The stop also resulted in the vehicle being seized for not having a valid insurance policy - with the driver being reported for driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence. PC Snaith said: "Any driver can be involved in a collision, and the safety of passengers, including children being carried in the car needs to be paramount.


"Drivers need to understand the requirements of different child seats based on the age and build of the children being carried. The focus is on safety and casualty reduction rather than prosecutions. Unfortunately, on this occasion, the driver wasn't meant to be on the road."

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