Police stop M6 driver and are left in gobsmacked when he shows his licence

Police on the Staffordshire stretch of the M6 were stunned when a driver they had pulled over handed them a driving licence that looked nothing like him.

The vehicle was stopped by officers, who were eager to have a chat with the motorist. But the routine check took an unexpected turn as the man presented 'his' licence for inspection, prompting a double-take at the glaring mismatch.

The audacious driver had confidently passed the licence to the police, seemingly convinced he could fool them into believing it was him.

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The traffic police were quick to point out that the chap in the photo card was a completely different individual, 'about 20 stone heavier' than the driver. Upon being told of his impending arrest, the driver suddenly 'recalled' his actual name.

Further checks revealed the man was uninsured and he's now facing the consequences. The Central Motorway Policing Group (CMPG) took to social media to recount the bizarre encounter on the M6. Their post read: "This vehicle was stopped on the M6 in Staffs. The driver produced a pic of a foreign photo card licence of someone with a different skin colour and about 20 stone heavier than him. When threatened with arrest he remembered his other name (real one). He didn't have any insurance."

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