“Politicians are all talk and no action”: Voters along the Curry Mile share concerns ahead of the election

“Politicians are all talk and no action”: Voters along the Curry Mile share concerns ahead of the election

With the general election almost upon us, the Manchester Evening News took to Manchester’s Curry Mile to gauge the mood there.

Thought to have the highest concentration of South Asian restaurants in the UK, it is a lively, vibrant area teeming with cafes, restaurants, dessert spots and Islamic stores.

But in amongst the shop windows, filled with glittering fabrics in a rainbow of colours, the plates piled high with golden baklava, the roar of buses and traffic heaving past and the scents of 50 different cuisines in the air, there is a feeling that’s impossible to ignore: a political ambivalence bordering on confusion.

Many people the M.E.N spoke to either did not know when the election would be, who the candidates were or who they were voting for, if at all. Many did not feel confident discussing politics, partially due to a language barrier.

Many restaurants were emblazoned with a prominent sign outside promoting the Labour candidate, Afzal Khan. Previously a part of Manchester Gorton, the area has been represented by a Labour MP since 1935.

But inside those same restaurants were flyers for the Workers Party of Britain (WPB) candidate, Mohhamed Bilal. The party, who have campaigned heavily on their pro-Palestine stance, are expected to pick up votes in the area and a WPB candidate ousted Labour councillor Lutfur Rahman at the local elections in May by just 185 votes.

Labour’s perceived hesitance to condemn the Israeli military action in Gaza is expected to cause them problems in areas with significant Muslim populations - of which the Curry Mile is one.

At Gaza Barbers, the conflict was weighing heavily on the owner’s mind. Like many the M.E.N spoke to, he seemed disillusioned by the main parties: “They both stand with Israel," he said.

READ MORE - The voices of thousands of voters across the UK have been heard ahead of the general election

Another young woman said she would not be voting Labour because of the Gaza conflict, she added: “I have totally lost faith in Keir Starmer over Gaza."

Fatima, an NHS worker, said she wanted to see waiting times addressed. “I really see the suffering of people. I work in mental health and it is absolutely unacceptable, it cannot go on.

“People aren’t able to work, and not because they are lazy like politicians suggest. They don’t have the healthcare that they need.”

Several people mentioned crime in the area as one of their main concerns. One man at a shop selling shisha pipes was concerned with antisocial behaviour in the area. “I see a lot of young people involved with drugs - using and dealing.”

“The police will see it happening in front of them and not intervene because they say they don’t have the authority. But if ever they find someone working illegally - they arrest them straight away.”

Voters expressed what changes they want from the election
Voters expressed what changes they want from the election

Another woman behind the counter at Coffee Rules said cleanliness in the area was a concern for her. “We pay a lot in business rates but the streets are still dirty.”

Besides these, issues of housing, poverty, wealth inequality and treatment of asylum seekers were often mentioned. But overall there was a strong sense of political apathy: many people the M.E.N spoke to weren’t planning on voting at all as they felt it would make no difference. “Politicians are all talk and no action”, said one woman

This is part of a mass vox pop project led by Reach dubbed ‘5000 voices’ where nationwide, people are being asked about the issues effecting them ahead of the general election next week.

Reporters are travelling all around Greater Manchester to hear from the people about the issues close to them, and how they’re feeling ahead of the results on July 4th.