"It's all politics and bulls**t" as golf star rages after Olympic dream crushed in crazy off course battle

Joost Luiten has slammed the politics and bulls**t which crushed his Olympic dream.

The devastated Dutchman is fuming at being denied the opportunity to be in Paris. In a farcical situation, Luiten, who comfortably qualified to play, and Darius van Driel were initially told by their own Olympic Committee they weren’t being entered as they had no reasonable chance of winning a medal. Fighting against that first judgement, he submitted a legal challenge and WON.

However, just as the dream was revived, Luiten discovered that, despite winning the court fight, he was back out as his place had already been re-allocated. Luiten, who shot two-under at Renaissance, is disgusted and said: “It’s all politics and bulls**t instead of sport. It’s crazy how many mistakes have been made by certain people and organisations. They all hide behind each other. As a little man, it’s tough to fight these big organisations. They know that and that’s why they’ve built it like that against me.

“They just drain you, both mentally and financially. I’ve been very proud of how I’ve been able to fight my corner and won certain decisions. With the Dutch IOC, for instance, it’s tough to go against them. But I won that and thought I was going to the Olympics.

“Then I get to the next organisation and have another fight on my hands with different people. It has cost me a lot of money. It’s 500 Euros an hour for a lawyer. It’s not cheap. That’s what makes it hard to keep fighting them.

“Even if I won the case, I’m not going to make any money from the Olympics. It’s quite funny in the sense that it’s the only tournament I would never get paid for, but I’ve spent loads of money trying to play in it.

“Representing your country in the Olympics would be a dream. That’s why I did it. What’s happened is unfair. It’s basically one or two guys saying: You’re not good enough. But how can they say that? I qualified for the Olympics under their rules. I deserve to play.

“That’s what stinks. It’s the mistakes of others which have cost me the chance of playing in the Olympics and nobody is stepping up and admitting what they have done wrong. I’ve had so much support from everyone in golf and I appreciate that. Even other athletes all over the world have looked at it and saw someone finally winning a case against their IOC.

“It was great to feel that support when I won the initial case. Then you go to the next battle and they crush you.”

Luiten’s week didn’t get any better as Holland lost to England at the Euros. He added: “I was in my hotel with about 10 other guys watching on a big TV. It was a shame for us to lose a goal in the last minute.

"But England have been doing that in other games in this tournament, scoring big goals with only a couple of minutes to go. I don’t think we had a great tournament overall and don’t really deserve to be in the final. I don’t think England are playing great either, but at least they are winning games.”