This Poor Dog’s Matted Coat Weighed 35 Pounds Before He Was Rescued


This beautiful boy is Lazarus, a dog who was so neglected that his matted coat alone weighed two-and-a-half stone when it was removed.

The poor pooch was found trapped in a barn, with dirt and faeces blocking the door.

The dog received a thorough shave by groomers last weekend, after being removed from the care of his terminally-ill owner. He was then treated to a slap up steak dinner.

The image of the adorable dog has since gone viral, with more than 12,000 people reacting to the picture of his matted mane on Facebook.


Gone viral: This post had dog-lovers tearing up (Facebook/Big Fluffy Dog Rescue)


New look: Lazarus after his extreme haircut (Big Fluffy Dog Rescue)

Lazarus was taken in by the aptly named Big Fluffy Dog Rescue shelter in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Great Pyrenees, who is believed to be around six or seven years old, had spent his entire life contained in a tiny barn stall “filled with six or seven years worth of faeces”.

Last week’s heartbreaking Facebook post went on: “You cannot imagine the squalor in which this dog lived and there are no words adequate to convey the horror.


35 pounds lighter: Lazarus is now able to walk more easily (C. and Jessica Kincheloe)

"The person who owned him simply threw over his food and water to him. Conditions were so awful they had to shovel faeces to even be able to open the door to get him out. Not once before this picture was taken has this dog walked on grass or seen the sky above him.

"I can’t imagine how he suffered in sweltering heat. But for the actions of a good Samaritan who came out to rescue him, this dog may never have seen the light of day.”

A neighbour asked the groomers to help the dog, who was unable to walk normally, thanks to both the condition of his fur and the effects of his long confinement.

Big Fluffy Dog Rescue reported on Monday that Lazarus has several issues to contend with: “Under all that fur, he has a broken tail, some tumours we will be checking out, and he is wobbly on his feet - but he is happy and I have great hopes for him.”