Popular People's Park café set to close in coming weeks due to issues with adjoining public toilets
A popular café in People's Park is sadly set to close its doors for the final time this summer.
After opening in 2022 following an extensive renovation, Coffee on the Park will close for good in the coming weeks due to an issue with the public toilets that adjoin the café.
In a statement issued by North East Lincolnshire Council, a spokesperson said the terms of the café lease includes an agreement to take "full responsibility" for the toilets. Last summer, Council workers were made aware of drainage issues and unblocked the toilets as a "gesture of goodwill".
But following a full CCTV survey of the drains up to Welholme Road, it was discovered that there were "very little issues" with the drains themselves and the toilets were repeatedly blocking due to anti-social items being flushed down them.
In March this year, the Council was told about further issues regarding the toilets and drainage, but told the leaseholders they could "do no more" to rectify the situation as per the terms of the lease.
A North East Lincolnshire Council spokesperson told Grimsby Live: “The lease holder agreed to take a lease on the café in People’s Park in 2022. That included an agreement to take full responsibility for the public toilets next door. The venue was then re-opened as a café.
“We were made aware of some drainage issues in summer 2023 and as a gesture of goodwill, we facilitated the unblocking of the toilets and conducted a full CCTV survey of the drains up to Welholme Road, Grimsby.
“These works discovered very little issue with the drains themselves, barring a small number of pipes that needed minor realignment, which the council corrected. At that time, it was discovered that the toilets were blocking more due to the number of anti-social items that were being flushed down them as opposed to issues with the pipe works."
The spokesperson added: “Having carried out this work, we were not made aware of any other issues regarding the toilets or drainage until March this year. At this time, we stated that we could do no more and reminded the lease holder of their obligation to manage the toilets, as per the terms of their lease.
“We would like to say that we are sorry to hear of this closure, and we do hope that a successful future can be found for this venue, which is set in our lovely park in Grimsby’s centre.”
Coffee on the Park were approached by Grimsby Live, but did not wish to comment at this time.