Portrush surfers and swimmers paddle out in to demand action on pollution

The message was spelled out on the sand at Portrush West Strand
The message was spelled out on the sand at Portrush West Strand -Credit:Shauna Corr

"We are sick of sewage" was the message from surfers and swimmers from across Northern Ireland as they took to the sea in Portrush on Saturday morning.

Dozens gathered at the West Strand where they scrawled their message into the sand before making their way towards the waves in protest.

An estimated 18 million tonnes of sewage pours into NI waterways including seas, lakes, rivers and streams each year in some 24,521 separate incidents, according to NI Water.

Read more: Executive decision holding up environmental plan that could help Lough Neagh

Read more: Activists take fight to 'save' Lough Neagh to Lord Shaftesbury's Dorset estate

Storm overflows are in place to stop it winding up in homes and streets but they were put in place for emergency situations and not to be used for business as usual. But without the £2 billion investment needed to upgrade sewage infrastructure, the situation is not likely to change.

Belfast Live headed along to Portrush on Saturday to hear from those who took to the waves in a national day of action across the UK, led by Surfers Against Sewage.

It was there that SAS activist Aine McAuley told us they were protesting to "advocate for better water quality and the end of sewage pollution".

Jessica and Catherine McWilliams are sick of it
Jessica and Catherine McWilliams are sick of it -Credit:Shauna Corr

She added that Lough Neagh is a "disaster" while on Saturday swimmers were warned to stay out of the water at Ballyholme beach in Co Down "for no apparent reason".

"Our rivers, our oceans... none of Northern Ireland's waterways are in a good environmental standard. They do have blue flags on most beaches... but it doesn't necessarily mean the water quality is reaching the standard.

"There is not enough being done within our infrastructure, it's being put to the side and not being brought into progress. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that doesn't have its own environmental protection agency.

"It's not a priority here and it's simply pushed down the road and we haven't heard what measures have been brought into place since Lough Neagh which as we know is a complete catastrophe.

"Spills... rather than being a one off, it's now regular. We need to know exactly when the spills are happening, how much... we need more on time data.

A tiny surfer joined the call against sewage in our waters
A tiny surfer joined the call against sewage in our waters -Credit:Shauna Corr

"We need it to be a priority."

She was accompanied by Mary O'Hagan from Save Our Shores and Save Lough Neagh, who is on a mission after repeatedly losing access to her favourite swimming spot because of toxic algae growing as a result of pollution from farms, sewage, septic tanks and industry.

Mary said: "Things are so bad at the moment.

"We all saw how bad Lough Neagh got last year and it's already started this year. I swim in Ballyronan regularly and Ballyronan at the moment is full of blue-green algae once again.

"The Lough is once again going to become a no-go zone. These beaches that we are standing on here - last year the west strand was affected, the east strand was affected. So many beaches last year were red flagged because it so bad because the algae was coming out of the Bann and along the north coast.

"Not one tangible action has been taken since last year despite the massive calls from the public begging our government to do something about it.

"The first thing I definitely want to see happen is an independent environmental agency," added Mary.

Mary O'Hagan from Save Our Shores and her daughter Katie who also loves to swim
Mary O'Hagan from Save Our Shores and her daughter Katie who also loves to swim -Credit:Shauna Corr

"I would love to see Lough Neagh and our rivers thriving, the rights of nature... and investment into NI Water because [their] infrastructure is creaking at the seams.

"This word spills - I don't agree with spills... the connotation is that that's accidental but it's not. They are very well aware of what they are doing and it needs to stop."

Political activists Nell Melanie from Progressive Politics NI and George McElhinney from People Before Profit both joined the protest.

Nell told us sewage and water pollution is impacting across Northern Ireland but on the North Coast, she says: "There's a lot of pollution washing up on the beaches.

"It's occurring with much more frequency so that is something that we want to take a look at and ensuring that the council hear our voices, particularly now that the government is back in action."

Surfers and swimmers who took part in a national day of protest against sewage in our waters at Portrush West Strand
Surfers and swimmers who took part in a national day of protest against sewage in our waters at Portrush West Strand -Credit:Shauna Corr

George added: "This is one of the biggest issues in Northern Ireland at the minute. We had the algal blooms in Lough Neagh last year.

"People are steaming about it.

"This could be the start of a broader campaign bringing the community together to fight against sewage, pollution and take back our beaches."

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