Possessive thug broke partner's ribs and punctured her lung with single punch

Kier Morrison
Kier Morrison -Credit:Nottinghamshire Police

A jealous and controlling thug broke his partner’s ribs and left her with a punctured lung when he punched her in her own flat. Nottingham Crown Court heard how Kier Morrison then told the ambulance staff who treated the mother-of-two she suffered her injuries in a fall.

The 30-year-old’s victim said during their four-year relationship he was violent and possessive of her, stopping her from seeing her family. Now, having spent the past six months in jail, he will soon be out although a restraining order will stop him from contacting the woman or going to her Nottinghamshire home.

Jailing him for 14 months, Judge Steve Coupland said: “No-one in a relationship with anybody deserves to be abused and nobody deserves to be struck by their partner. This incident was towards the end of your relationship, one which was fraught with unfounded and jealous arguments and violence from you towards your partner.

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“You struck her to the side of the body and I accept you did not intend to cause the injury that you did but you fractured two of her ribs and you left her in agony and struggling to breathe. This case is not just about the physical damage but also the psychological.

“She is still in fear of you and this affects her everyday life. You told the ambulance staff that she fell and then, in interview, said you had acted in self-defence.

“I have also seen a brief video of you rapping and, in it, you speak in very derogatory terms and that is how you were towards her. Plainly, the only possible sentence is immediate custody.”

Annabel Lenton, prosecuting, said the defendant and the victim, who was in court to see him sentenced, were in a relationship for around four years. She said the woman said at first things were fine but then Morrison began to become controlling, jealous and violent towards her.

The prosecutor said: “The defendant accepted in interview he can’t control his anger and on November 10, last year, there was an argument at her address and during it, he smacked her to the head which angered her and she followed him into the bedroom. She pushed him to the chest and he stuck her to the left side causing an injury - a fracture to her 10th and 11th rib and leaving her with a small puncture to her lung.”

Miss Lenton read out a victim impact statement made by the woman after Morrison was arrested and charged. In it she told how, during their relationship, he stopped her from seeing her family - including her two daughters.

She said: “I am scared I will see him out and I keep the curtains in my flats closed. I even changed to darker curtains so no-one could see my shadow. I now want to rebuild my relationship with my family.”

Morrison, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning grievous bodily harm. He has eight previous court appearances for 23 offences and, in 2016, was handed a four-year jail term for blackmail.

Matt Smith, mitigating, said after being released from that sentence, his client was hospitalised with a bleed to the brain when he was involved in an accident with a lorry which left him with “serious anxiety”. He said: “There were periods of the relationship where he struggled to cope believing she was having ongoing contact with an ex-partner.

“The defendant became angry and took it out on her. He accepts he behaved badly to someone he was in a good relationship with.

“He appreciates the relationship is over and through me he wants to reassure the victim she will not bump into him or his family. It is a nasty injury but it was one strike.”

As well as the jail terms, the judge handed Morrison a restraining order not to contact the victim or go to her address in Mansfield or any other address he knows she might be. It will last until further order.