Post Office ‘misled courts’ over jailed sub-postmaster, executive was told

Angela van den Bogerd
Angela van den Bogerd was heard saying 'we need to take another look at this' - PRU/AFP via Getty

A Post Office executive was told the organisation had “misled the courts” in the case of a conviction of a sub-postmaster, six years before his name was cleared.

Angela van den Bogerd was informed in January 2015 that the Post Office had “materially misled” the courts in prosecuting Carl Page, according to a recording obtained by ITV News.

The recording was made of a phone call in January 2015, between Ms Van Den Bogerd, the then-head of partnerships at the Post Office, and Second Sight investigator Ron Warmington just one month before she gave evidence to Parliament.

Mr Page, from Staffordshire, was sentenced to two years in prison in 2007 after the Post Office accused him of stealing between £94,000 and £282,000 from the company.

Despite maintaining his evidence, like many, Mr Page pleaded guilty to theft in the hope of avoiding a longer sentence.

Yet in the newly unearthed recording, forensic accountant Mr Warmington is heard telling Ms Van Den Bogerd: “I know the whole case intimately…I’ve studied it in minute detail…I think that Post Office got this wrong right up front. I think there was no theft of £282,000.”

In the call, Ms Van Den Bogerd later tells Mr Warmington she thinks “we need to take another look at this”.

In the recording Mr Warmington then said: “I think you do. And… at the moment, I mean, horrific as it is, I’ll, I’ll give it to you with both barrels. I think all three trials were materially misled by Post Office… in the witness statements.”

However, Mr Page heard nothing from Ms Van Den Bogerd or anyone at the Post Office subsequently.

His conviction was not overturned for another six years.

Solicitors for Mr Page told ITV he reserves comment until Ms Van Den Bogerd gives evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry on April 25, but added he would be observing “with keen interest”.

Ms Van Den Bogerd was portrayed in the ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office by actor Katherine Kelly.

Meanwhile, a former managing director of the Post Office told the inquiry on Thursday that Paula Vennells was among other Post Office executives who had assured him Horizon was “tamper-proof”.

Referring to an internal report he commissioned while in the role, David Smith described what he had been told, saying: “I think it was along the lines of what eventually comes out in the (Rod) Ismay report, in other words the system’s pretty much tamper-proof.”

Mr Smith also apologised to a former sub-postmistress and her family after describing an update on her prison sentence as “brilliant news” in an email to colleagues in 2010.

Yet Seema Misra, who was pregnant at the time, told The Telegraph she had not accepted his apology.

‘He celebrated me going to prison’

She said: “I think it’s unlikely that I will ever be able to forgive him - even in his apology, it didn’t feel like he meant it.”

She told ITV: “It’s absolutely shameful to think that he celebrated me going to prison.

“I’ve got no more tears left, so I didn’t cry watching it, I just felt more and more angry.”

Ms Vennells previously said through her solicitors: “I continue to support and focus on cooperating with the inquiry and expect to be giving evidence in the coming months.

“I am truly sorry for the devastation caused to the sub-postmasters and their families, whose lives were torn apart by being wrongly accused and wrongly prosecuted as a result of the Horizon system.

“I now intend to continue to focus on assisting the inquiry and will not make any further public comment until it has concluded.”