Prayer ban at Katharine Birbalsingh’s school is lawful, High Court rules

Katharine Birbalsingh CBE, the founder and headmistress of Michaela Community School, a free school established in 2014 in Wembley Park
Katharine Birbalsingh has been dubbed Britain's strictest headteacher - GEOFF PUGH

A prayer ban imposed at Katharine Birbalsingh’s school is lawful, a High Court judge has ruled.

Michaela Community School in Brent, north-west London, defended a legal challenge from a Muslim pupil who claimed the school’s ban on prayer rituals was discriminatory.

The prayer ritual policy did not “interfere” with the pupil’s freedom to manifest her religious beliefs, according to the ruling, which was handed down on Tuesday.

The pupil had chosen the school knowing of its strict regime and could have chosen a different school that would have allowed her to pray at lunchtime, the ruling found.

In his written ruling, Mr Justice Linden said the prayer policy was “a proportionate means of achieving the legitimate aims” of the school and was therefore justified.

He found that the disadvantage to Muslim pupils was outweighed by the aims that it seeks to promote in the interests of the school community as a whole, including Muslim pupils.

However, the judge upheld the pupil’s challenge to a decision to temporarily exclude her from the school after allegations by fellow pupils about comments she had made.

He said the pupil ought to have been asked for her version of events before the head teacher excluded her.

The secular school introduced the prayer ban last March after up to 30 pupils began praying in the yard.

Ms Birbalsingh, the school’s founder, who has been described Britain’s strictest headteacher, has defended the policy, saying it was “wrong to separate children according to religion or race”.

Lawyers for the school previously said pupils praying outside contributed to a “concerted campaign” on social media over the school’s secular approach to religion.

A High Court heard in January that the school was targeted with death threats, abuse, “false” allegations of Islamophobia, and a “bomb hoax”.

Lawyers for the school also said its actions came after a number of children had been told that they were “bad Muslims” for not praying and had begun to pray.

A pupil, who cannot be named, took legal action against the school, claiming its stance on prayer, one of the five pillars of Islam, was “the kind of discrimination which makes religious minorities feel alienated from society”.

Michaela Community School introduced the prayer ban last March after up to 30 pupils began praying in the yard
Michaela Community School introduced the prayer ban last March after up to 30 pupils began praying in the yard - Paul Grover for The Telegraph

The pupil’s lawyers previously said the prayer ban unlawfully breached her right to religious freedom, adding that it made her feel “like somebody saying they don’t feel like I properly belong here”.

The court was told the pupil, referred to only as TTT, was making a “modest” request to be allowed to pray for around five minutes at lunch time, on dates when faith rules required it, but not during lessons.

Michaela, a free school founded in 2014, has around 700 pupils, around half of whom are Muslim. The school was ranked top in the country last year for “Progress 8”, a measure of how much a secondary school has helped pupils improve since primary school.

Its strict rules include silence in corridors, pupils ending every interaction with teachers with “sir” or “miss” and a tracking system whereby pupils “must pay constant attention” during lessons.