Pregnant mum frets baby name is 'stupid' – but people say it's 'practical'

Pregnant woman looking upset
A pregnant mum is worried her baby name is 'stupid' -Credit:Getty Images/iStockphoto

The quest for the perfect baby name can be a hair-pulling dilemma.

Parents-to-be can find themselves wading through an endless sea of potential names throughout the pregnancy, searching for that ideal tag for their soon-to-arrive bundle of joy.

Whether they're hunting for something unique or a name steeped in tradition, it's hardly a walk in the park to just pluck the right name from the ether.

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One expectant mother has confessed that the hunt for her daughter's name has left her feeling "stupid". She's adamant that her little one's name should begin with 'M', but the more she mulls it over, the more she questions her choice.

Taking to Reddit, the pregnant woman shared that she possesses family jewellery monogrammed with the letter 'M'pieces she feels disconnected from as her own name doesn't start with 'M'.

Eager to keep the heirlooms relevant and cherished within the family, she's leaning towards an 'M' name for her daughter. Yet, she's torn, fearing that choosing a name based on jewellery might be "stupid", and has sought the unfettered opinions of social media users.

Her post read: "Is giving our daughter an M name because she is set to inherit family jewellery pieces with the monogram M stupid? Please be brutally honest! ".

She added: "My due date is next week, and she will be our first and our last. Neither of us has M as an initial, and our surname starts with S. I have family jewellery pieces with the monogram M that never felt mine because I don't have M as any of my initials. I want things to be different for my daughter."

"We have always wanted to call her Mia but give her a more formal legal name, initially we leaned towards Amelia, then we started looking for other names that could have Mia as a nickname and most of them were M names, so we focused on M names. Does this feel stupid to you? ".

The mum shared that she and her husband are considering names like Marina, Matilde, and Miriam, and asked if anyone had better suggestions. Commenters reassured the mum that she wasn't being "stupid", with some commending her for her thoughtful approach.

One commenter expressed admiration, saying: "This is exactly the type of practical planning I admire. My mum jokes that her best decision was marrying my dad because he had the same last initial as her first husband, so she didn't have to change her monograms."

While another chimed in: "It would only be weird if you guys didn't like M names but used one anyways just for the monogram. Choosing a name you love and gravitating towards M names because of the monogrammed jewellery is perfectly reasonable. Marina and Miriam are two of my favourite names!"