Premier League questioned for allowing 'big clubs' to do what is denied Nottingham Forest

A Nottingham Forest badge on a fans' scarf at the City Ground.
Forest fans have either had enough of all the appeal talk or feel the club have been treated unfairly. -Credit:Joe Prior

Nottingham Forest's appeal against their four-point punishment for breaching Premier League player spending regulations was not only denied by an independent panel - it also appeared to provoke a swipe at the club too.

The Reds appeared before a three-person tribunal last month to argue their case against the sanction handed down in March, but ultimately failed in their attempt to regain any points.

Forest had maintained that the sale of Brennan Johnson on deadline day last summer, two months after the conclusion of the relevant fiscal year being examined by the top-flight and their PSR acolytes, should have been considered a mitigating factor. As such, Forest believed the commission was wrong not to to suspend all or part of the points deduction. However, both points were rejected by the appeal hearing.

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And the panel went onto say "we are unanimous that the commission was entitled (and right) to impose the sanction of a deduction of four points and to refuse to suspend it”. The Reds lost £34.5m more than their allowed maximum of £61m during a rolling three-year period.

In the wake of the appeal decision, Reds fans have been having their say on the issue.

Commenter Red Dog 1968 is fed up. He says: “Can we just move on from this whole sorry affair now? I've had enough of the whats, wheres and whys. We've lost the points for overspending, it doesn't seem fair but there's very little we can do or say, it ain't changing."

User El perro rojo adds: “Whichever side of the fence you're on regarding the points deduction, appeal etc. it is still surprising the speed it was done at. And they're still investigating Man City for their offences.”

Designoutloud agrees, saying: “Incredible how quick it's been to first charge us, then reach a decision to dock the points, find the time to listen to the appeal, then turn it down and follow it up with this statement. Man City on the other hand, 18 months after announcing they're being investigated, and they're still unable to provide any sort of update of what the charges are, or even had the competence to announce when there might be a hearing."

Melgarion writes: “Of the two arguments (Brennan and 61 mill vs 105 mill) I think the more egregious of the two is the 61 mill one. Why should mega rich clubs like the Manchester, Liverpool and London clubs be allowed to lose more money than those just promoted? That's upside down if you ask me and grossly unfair.”

ChrissyD comments: “Originally we were expecting a 10-point deducted on a par with Everton - then 6 (like Everton) & we ended up with 4. I’m just relieved they haven’t increased it. I was surprised we appealed & never expected to get anything back as 4 is workable and we have to accept that now, move on and do the business on the pitch.” Arnoldtrickyagrees, concluding: “4 points off, who gives a damn. Nottingham Forest are staying up!"

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