Prime Minister Rishi Sunak addresses Leicester and Leicestershire voters ahead of General Election

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announcing the date for the UK General Election at Downing Street on May 22, 2024
-Credit: (Image: 2024 Getty Images)

Rishi Sunak has sent a message to local voters ahead of tomorrow's election. Early in the election campaign, we asked both the Prime Minister and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer about the NHS on behalf of our readers.

We put a series of questions to them, including asking them to explain their plans to tackle ongoing difficulties relating to GP access, dentistry and our hospitals. We also asked them what they would do to resolve industrial action in the NHS.

Following claims by shadow health secretary Wes Streeting that there is a "cultural rot" at the heart of the NHS which, he said, means it is putting itself ahead of the public and does not recognise and work on its failings, we further questioned both leaders on whether they agreed and, if so, what they would do about it if elected.

READ MORE: Everything Leicester and Leicestershire residents need to know to vote in the General Election

The Prime Minister sent us last night (Tuesday, July 2) his message for Leicestershire residents, but did not answer our questions. We have not received a statement from Mr Starmer, nor a response from the Labour Party.

Rishi Sunak’s message to the people of Leicestershire

"Tomorrow, people in Leicestershire and Rutland will be casting their votes in the most important election for a generation.

"The next five years will be among the most transformational our country has ever known. They bring great opportunities to the area, but they carry significant risks too. Leicester is already a dynamic hub of innovation for sectors of the future including aerospace, life sciences and advanced logistics. But to seize the chance to build a brighter future, we need a government ready to take the bold action to keep Britain one step ahead.

"Labour has had fourteen years to tell you what they would do, and yet they haven’t been upfront. It’s because they have no plan. So instead they want you to sign a blank cheque so they can raise taxes the highest [sic] level in history and rig the electoral system to stay in power for a generation.

"I understand people’s frustration with the past five years – they have been tough. Covid and the war in Ukraine have sent prices soaring and we had to take difficult decisions to balance the country’s books. But now the plan is working – inflation is back down to normal, wages are rising and the UK is growing at the fast [sic] rate in the G7. There’s much further to go, more progress to be made but I strongly believe we have turned a corner.

"We have been able to cut the taxes of 27 million workers to make sure work always pays. And we will go further in the years ahead, saving workers £1,350 by 2027. We will cut taxes for self-employed entrepreneurs too because they are the powerhouse of our economy and by helping them, we help Britain.

"We will cut tax for parents and provide families with 30 hours of free childcare a week from when a child is nine months old to when they start school. We will help more young people realise the dream of homeownership by abolishing the main rate of stamp duty for first time buyers up to £425,000 and create a new, improved help-to-buy scheme.

"Our commitment to improve lives and build a brighter future is for everyone in the UK. Talent and hard work, not geography, should determine life chances and we have a clear plan to spread opportunity to every region. Here in Leicester, we are investing £19.4 million supporting space and technology businesses enhancing the University of Leicester’s Science Park and £17.6 million to remodel the Leicester station’s entrance and create a more attractive gateway to the city centre. In Loughborough we’re investing £16.9 million in 11 projects including the recently completed Careers & Enterprise Hub and rejuvenation around Devonshire Square. Leicestershire’s success is key to the UK’s success and we will always ensure it gets the support it needs.

"Labour has no plan to build a better future and would take more money out of your pockets, not giving more back. They have no plan to stop the boats and secure our borders and no plan to bolster our national security in the face of increasing global threats.

"If they had a supermajority, they would have unchecked power to do lasting damage to the country while being accountable to no-one. A vote for any other party is a vote for Labour. Just 130,000 votes could make all the difference, so vote Conservative to make sure your voice is heard, your vote counts and your values are represented."